chapter 18

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While talking about the plan for the upcoming surgery Georgia was getting more and more agitated with how flirty Dr Boswell was being with Arizona. Georgia's pager then went off 911 to the pit.

Russell; I'm sorry but I have to go. Callie has paged me to the pit.

Boswell; that's fine Dr Russell, to be honest I don't think we will need you for this surgery anyway.

Russell; right, okay then. Hope it goes well.

Georgia gave Arizona a knowing look headed straight to the pit.
Down in the pit Callie approached Georgia

Torres; thank god, I need your help with this patient.

They walked into trauma room 2 to see a man with multiple bars impaled into his body.

Russell; holy fuck, that's mad.

Torres; you ready for this? Looks like this one has gone straight through his femur, we are taking him down to OR 4. Dr Grey and Dr Kepner will meet us down there.

They headed down to the OR, on the way They saw Arizona, Jackson and Dr Boswell heading to OR 2 for their surgery.

Russell; hey.

Robbins; oh hi, you going into surgey now? How long will it last we could go out for dinner tonight maybe?

Russell; oh I'm really not sure, it's a bit extreme can I just message you when I'm out.

Robbins; of course, I'll...

Boswell; Arizona, you ready to scrub in?

Georgia raised her eyebrows and mouthed 'be careful' to Arizona.

Robbins; I'll be right there and it's Dr Robbins.
She then kissed Georgia on the cheek and whispered 'I've got this, its cool'

They parted ways each going into their own ORs.

OR 4

Russell; how exactly are we going to remove these without causing more damage?

Grey; these bars are rough metal. When we take them out we risk shredding the vessels, he could bleed out.

Anaesthetist; doctors he is starting to loose his airway I need to intubate.

Kepner; okay we need to trim these bars down as close as possible to minimise the damage when we pull them out

Murphy; bone cutter?

Torres; maybe, uhh doubtful

Murphy tried to cut the bars with no luck

Russell; nope

Patient leon; your going to need a 4-1/2 inch angle grinder with a cut off wheel

Russell & Torres; thank you Leon

Patient leon; no worries.

Callie then sent Murphy to go find an angle grinder. A few minutes after she returned Owen and Ben came rushing through the door

Hunt; Stop, stop, stop! You can't do that in here, the room is full of oxygen. The grinder is going to give off sparks

Warren; you'll blow up the room

Kepner; oh god okay.

Torres yeah, good call.

Grey; I've been through something like this before.

Warren; and how did that turn out?

Grey; not great.

They all discussed what to do. They removed all of the oxygen from the room and all unnecessary staff was removed. Ben pumped him manually, Callie steadied the bars so Owen could cut them while April irrigated the metal bars so they did not heat up.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now