chapter 26

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Later that evening Arizona woke up and heard her cell ringing downstairs, she gently got out of bed so she didn't disturb Georgia,  she pulled the door shut carefully and glanced in to check on Timothy, who was still sound asleep. She rushed down the stairs to check her phone.

3 missed calls from Callie
2 missed call from Meredith

4 messages-

Mer- hey is everything okay? Callie has been looking for you and Owen said you have taken the week off.

Callie- how's Georgia
Callie- Owen just told me you have taken the week off, hope she is okay?
Callie- sorry I know it is supposed to be your day with Sofia but I can take her if you need me to, let me know.

On the phone

Torres; hey Arizona, what's happened I've been trying to call you.

Robbins breaking down; oh Callie, she isn't in a good way, I came home and Timothy was screaming then I found her curled up in the shower crying.

Torres; okay breathe Arizona, do you need me to come over I can see if Penny can have Sofia for a few hours.

Robbins; thanks Callie but I think she just needs me, I don't want to overwhelm her.

Torres; well you know where I am if you need me. She is going to be fine.

Just then Aizona heard Timothy starting to stir on the baby monitor.

Robbins; thanks Callie, I've got to go, can you let Meredith know I'm alright. I don't want Timothy to wake Georgia up. Bye callie.

Arizona ran up the stairs to bring Timothy down for a bottle.
She was in the middle of changing his diaper before his feed when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Russell; hey. Can I feed him.

Robbins; of course. sorry, I didn't want to wake you.

Russell; you didn't, my boobs did either I need to feed him or pump otherwise they feel like they are going to explode.

They both let out a little giggle as Georgia picked up Timothy and helped him latch on. Arizona held onto Georgia's free hand and played with Georgia's hair with the other hand. Georgia looked exhausted with really red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. It broke Arizona's heart to see her like that but she was determined to help her get better.

Robbins; shall I order take out tonight?

Russell; sure.

Robbins; any preferences?

Russell; whatever you want babe. I'm not hungry but I'll give it a go.

Arizona kissed Georgia's hand then went to go through to the kitchen but Georgia grabbed hold of her arm stopping her.

Russell; thank you Az, I'll be okay, I promise, I love you.

Arizona sat back down and placed her hands on Georgia's cheeks and pulled her into a gentle kiss.

Robbins; you are a strong, loving and beautiful woman. I'm here for you. (Kissing Georgia again more passionately) I love you so much. I'm going to go order food now, then we can talk, if you feel you can.

Georgia nodded and Arizona went through to the kitchen. While Arizona ordered their food Timothy had finished his feed so Georgia placed him up on her shoulder to wind him, she put some music on
(come away with me- norah jones) she started dancing gently with him while singing along with the song. She was a really good singer but had never let anybody hear her sing properly.
Arizona heard the music and Georgia singing, she stood in the doorway and just watched her slowly swaying side to side soothing the baby to sleep.

Georgia Singing:

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us, with their lies

And I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms...
(Georgia stopped singing when she noticed Arizona stood watching her with tears in her eyes)

Russell; hey how long you been stood there.

Robbins; long enough, how did I not know you could sing.

Russell; yeah, that's because I don't.

Robbins; want me to take him up? Dinner won't be long.

Russell; let's both go.

They took Timothy up to his room and both stood over his crib watching him sleep.

Russell leaning her head on Arizona's shoulder; I'm going to be okay, right?

Robbins; of course you will, I'm here too. We can go to see Dr Wyatt tomorrow if you are ready, if not the 3 of us can have a pyjama day, eating junk food watching crap TV.

Russell; I'd like that... a lot.

They both went downstairs as their dinner arrived then snuggled up on the couch watching Netflix until they both ended falling asleep.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now