chapter 15

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when Georgia woke up she was in a hospital bed hooked up to an iv. The doctor came in to speak with her.

Dr Chapman; good afternoon Dr Russell I'm Dr Chapman, you were brought in after fainting, we found out that you were quite dehydrated so we are pumping you with fluids.

Russell; I was sick quite a lot yesterday and had to rush out for a meeting this morning so skipped breakfast.

Dr Chapman; we will keep you here for another few hour and do some more tests then you should be all good to go home.

He turned to leave then turned back to say

Dr Chapman; oh and the baby is also fine incase you were worried, see you in a few hours.

Georgia sat in the hospital bed stunned, she couldn't take in what the doctor just said to her.

Russell; Baby, what baby?
She thought about it a bit more then realised she had definitely missed her last period maybe even the one before that.
Russell; shit!

Georgia pressed the assistance button and managed to get the Dr's to give her an ultrasound.

Russell; this can't be right I'm gay, I don't sleep with men, I mean I have but not recently.
(Georgia then remembered the night she was attacked)
Russell; Oh crap.

The Dr put the gel on Georgia's tummy and moved the wand about.

OB; here we go, and here is your baby, it looks like you are about 8/9 weeks along. Congratulations.

Georgia just sat there in shock again.

Russell; so I'm going to be alright to fly long haul right, I am due to tavel home in 2 weeks.

OB; yes you will be fine.

The next two weeks pass and it is the evening before her flight home. Georgia was packing her bags ready for her flight in the morning, she decided to have a shower so that she didn't have to rush about too much in the morning. She switched to her shower leg. She looked down at her body and could definitely see a small bump growing she closed her eyes and gently rubbed her tummy then cried to herself remembering the night the innocent baby was made. She got out of the shower and took herself to bed, removing her shower leg as she got into bed. She led there holding her small but neat bump thinking about Arizona and how she is going to react to this, she can't be mad we aren't exactly a couple. She thought to herself.

She got up the next morning and decided to wear leggings with a tight tank top and a baggy sweater to hide the growing bump. She knew that as soon as the plane lands she had to head straight to the hospital for a board meeting so she wouldn't have time to change. Georgia still hated flying but the Dr's gave her some herbal tablets to help her relax and she ended up sleeping most of the flight. The plane arrived at seattle Airport and Georgia was so happy to be home and couldn't wait to see Arizonas beautiful face. She walked out of the arrivals door but didn't see Arizona, instead it was Meredith and Cristina

Russell; hey, wasn't expecting to see you two, not that I'm not happy to see you both.

Yang; Robbins got called into an emergency surgery so she is probably going to be late to our meeting.

Russell; oh... okay

Grey; it's good to have you back (hugging Georgia)

Georgia prayed that she didn't notice the baby bump hidden under her sweater.

Grey; let's go, we have a lot to catch up on.

The 3 of them headed to the car and drove to the hospital.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now