chapter 31

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Tw assault

3 days before Christmas

Georgia was completely on top of her negative thoughts. Both Georgia and Arizona were in the middle of a surgery on a 13 year old boy who was involved in a hit and run. Arizona was fixing bleeders while Georgia was fixing his broken leg.

Robbins; how could anybody do this, it's bad enough that it's right before Christmas but to just drive away. What if this kid died. I mean he is lucky we can save him.

Russell; I know its not fair, well I'm all finished now, would you like a hand up there Dr Robbins?

Robbins; no thank you Dr Russell, I've got Dr Murphy here to assist.

Russell; okay no problem, will I see you in the cafeteria later for lunch? if you are free of course.

Robbins; I'll let you know when I am finished here.

Georgia went through to scrub out, she caught Arizona's eye and blew her a kiss. She then headed off to the daycare to check in on Timothy and Sofia.

Russell; hello little man, are you playing nicely?

Timothy playing with Georgia's hair; mamamama

Russell; oww, careful baby don't pull mommy's hair

Georgia held onto Timothy's hands so he could walk around the daycare with her to find Sofia, she sat and played with both of them for a while before Timothy had to go for his nap.

Meanwhile in the OR Arizona had just finished closing the boy and was just leaving the scrub room with Leah.

Robbins; thank you Dr Murphy you did really well in there, you should be proud of yourself.

Murphy; thank you Dr Robbins, it was a pleasure to be in there with you. You really are a great surgeon.

Robbins; oh thanks. So do you know which speciality you want to go into yet?

Murphy; well I really like general but I'm really enjoying working in peds, with you.

Leah reached out to touch Arizona's arm, Arizona felt a bit uncomfortable by this so moved away.

Robbins; umm, look Murphy please don't do that. I'll see you later on.

Arizona texted Georgia.

AR❤- hey beautiful, how's my babies doing? I've just got out of surgery so I'm going to head to my office and maybe try to have a small nap before lunch. Maybe meet me there if you have time for a quick sleep. Love you Az x

Georgia- hi yeah Timothy is fine he is just going for a nap himself, Sofia is playing with Zola, once Timothy is settled down I'll head up, I'm now free until after lunch unless I get paged. Love you too G x

Arizona shut herself in her office and started to fill out some quick paperwork when there was a knock on her door.

Robbins; come in.

Leah entered the office.

Murphy; Dr Robbins, I'd just like to apologise for earlier, I don't want to get in any trouble.

Robbins; oh look leah it's fine, I'm not going to report you touching my arm.

Murphy; thank you Arizona, it won't happen again,(moving right up to Arizona) unless you want it to.

Robbins; it's Dr Robbins thank you. I think you need to go before I change my mind.

Arizona walked over to the door to escort leah out instead leah push Arizona up against the door holding her hands up above her head tightly, leah then kissed and bit Arizona on the neck, leaving a mark, while rubbing her knee between Arizona's legs, she then held onto both of Arizonas wrists with one hand so she could slip her free hand into Arizona's scrub trousers, groping and rubbing Arizona.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now