chapter 5

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The next day Georgia is suppost to be on the late shift but was woken up by a message from Tia,

Tia❤- babe you need to get to the hospital now. There has been an accident x

Georgia- what's happened, I'm not due in until 2? X

Tia❤- it's Arizona and Callie, you need to be here x

Georgia- fuck okay I'm on my way x

Georgia jumps out of bed and chucks on some sweatpants and a oversized tshit. She threw her hair into a messy bun and headed straight to the hospital. As she arrived at the ER she spotted a load of the surgeons bundling a gurney into to elevator and half of them ran up the stairs. She spotted Arizona stood by the doors as they shut, Georgia ran over to her.

Russell; Az! What the hell happened?

Robbins; I asked her to marry me and a truck came out of nowhere.

With that Arizona then collapsed in Georgia's arms.


The nurses brought over a gurney and Georgia lifted Arizona on to it.

Russell; fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh thank god she has a strong pulse.

Georgia checked Arizona over fully and it turned out she collapsed from shock. Arizona soon came round.

Robbins; I need to go to the OR. I need to know how she is.

Russell; okay beaut let's go.

They both headed over to the elevator to take them up to the OR, they went and sat up in the gallery in compleat silence

Russell; what do you need? Let me stitch up that nasty cut on your head.

Robbins; I'm okay, I'm...(crying) I'm fine.

Arizona starts to cry a lot so Georgia wraps her arm around Arizonas shoulders and hugs her gently. Trying to console her best friend as best she could. Tia came to the gallery to check on them both and as she got to the door she saw Georgia hugging Arizona then kiss her on the head, Tia turned and walked away, she was upset enough with Georgia but this was not the place or time to be confronting her.

Webber (through the intercom); Robbins, we have done all we can for now we are going to pack her and take her up to the icu. Russell take Robbins and sort that cut on her head out.

Robbins; I'm going up there with her, I'm fine.

Webber; Robbins go get your head sorted first then meet us up there, that's an order.

Russell; come on beaut, I'm here, I'll take care of you. How about we get you fully cleaned up too. It won't take long and they still have to finish packing and closing her up.

Robbins; okay GiGi, thanks.

Georgia leads arizona to the attendings lounge grabbing a suture kit on the way, she locks the door to give them some privacy, she helps arizona to clean up all the blood from herself and stitches up the cut across her forehead. She gets two sets of scrubs and they both get changed.

Georgia gets a page from hunt to have a meeting about the plan to save Callie and the baby.

Russell; hey Az I've got to go to have a meeting about a game plan will you be alright

Robbins; I'm heading straight up to the icu.

Russell; okay beaut, as soon as I can I'll come find you okay?

Robbins; yeah, I think I need you to. Thanks GiGi.

The friends part ways and Georgia heads straight to the scan room for the meeting with Owen and the other heads of departments, they all discuss what procedures would be best to save Callies life then Addison Montgomery arrives

Shepherd; thank god Addie your here.

Montgomery; okay, let's say worst case I have to remove the baby Dr Russell are you able to take over from Dr fields.

Russell; yeah of course.

Fields; look I've got this...

Addison interupts Lucy.

Montgomery; No, Dr Russell works in the NICU she can do what needs to be done, and that's final. This babies life is more important than your reputation Fields.

After the meeting Georgia heads to the ICU, she stands outside of callies room watching Arizona talking to Callies unconscious body sobbing. Georgia only wished she could hold her best friend and take away all of the pain.
Tia walks over to Georgia.

Russell; hey babe, what a day. I hope she is coping okay, just wish I could do more to help.

Tia tuts; and again your only focus is on Robbins.

Russell; excuse me?

Tia; don't, just don't. I'm done with us. I hate that there will always be 3 people in our relationship.

Tia storms off out of the ICU, Georgia stands there in shock.

Russell; what the fuck Tia.

Mark and Addison were stood beside Georgia talking when all of a sudden Georgias focus gets interrupted by the alarms going off in callies room

Montgomery & Sloan; what's happened?

Robbins; her pressures bottoming out.

Russell; her belly as tight as a drum.

Karev; flash pulmonary edema, her lungs are full of fluid.

Montgomery; inform the OR we are on our way down

In the OR all the doctors were doing their parts to save callie, Georgia was standing by incase Addison had to deliver the baby, she couldn't stop herself from looking up at Arizona sat in the gallery, trying her hardest to remember the happier days so she didn't just burst into the tears that were waiting to fall. She was so incredibly stressed, thoughts flowing through her head.
What if Callie doesn't make it?
What if I can't save the baby?
Will she hate me if I fail her?
Can I do this without fucking up.

The whole time Georgia was watching Arizona, Nurse Tia was stood across the OR watching Georgia.

All of a sudden Callie starts to crash

Webber; starting cardiac massage.

Montgomery; I'm taking this baby out.

Addison delivers the baby and passes the baby girl to Lucy who rushes her over to the side of the OR,

Montgomery; how is she?

Fields; I'm not getting a heartbeat.

Russell; I'm going to intubate, Fields any luck?

Lucy is doing chest compressions to get the little girls heart beating, Georgia begins to intubate the baby girl as Mark and Arizona run in the room.

Fields; I'm still not getting a heartbeat.

Arizona looks at Mark and he nods at her she then looks over to Georgia who makes eye contact and Arizona rushes over to the baby.

Robbins, to Fields; MOVE!

Arizona listens to the baby girls chest then starts compressions

Robbins; L.C.Ps stable for now, push 9CCs of L.R., .05 CCs of EPI and .5 of BICARB

Arizona continues compressions then checks with her stethoscope.

Robbins; I have a heartbeat (voice breaking)

Webber; moms heartbeat is strong.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now