chapter 1

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All the attendings are having their weekly attending meeting in the conference room

Webber; OK everyone we have a new attending starting today she is double certified so will be working within peds and ortho...

Webber is cut off by everybody's pagers going off... major mvc due to arrive in 5
Everybody runs down to the pit.

Bailey; when's the newbie getting here we could really use the help?

Webber; she should be here by now.

Bailey; good first impression.

All avaliable attendings and residents gather outside to welcome the rigs.

Webber; what we got???

Paramedic; 10 year old male, Jamie Fisher, coded twice on the way here, abdominal injuries and major head lac.

Webber; Robbins, Shepherd you take this one.

Robbins & A.Shepherd; got it chief.

The next rig turns up shortly after.

Webber; what we got?

Paramedic; Jane Doe, maybe late 20s unconscious on the scene, appears to have obvious abdominal injuries and minor head lac, oh this also belongs to her.

The Paramedic hands Dr Webber a prosthetic leg.

Webber; trauma room 2, let's go.

Webber, Grey and Little Grey run into trauma room 2 with the Jane doe.

Grey; we need an ultrasound now.

Grey uses the wond of the ultrasound on the Jane does abdomin.

Grey; we have a liver laceration and internal bleeding, we need to book an OR now.

Webber; somebody page shepherd we need a quick neuro consult.

Derek runs in and checks the Jane does responses.

D, Shepherd; both pupils responsive I believe neurowise she is fine.

Grey; let's get her down to the OR, lexie check her belongings and let's see if we can find out who she is.

Little Grey; I'm on it.

Lexie goes through Jane does items and comes across her cell phone, she unlocks the phone, luckily there was no need for a pin and came across the last number contacted named AR, lexie goes to the nurses station of the ER and dials the number and waits for it to connect.

*** *** ***

Unknown; hello...

Little Grey; hello, this is Dr Grey at SGMW Hospital,
(She cuts the person off)

Unknown; lexie why are you calling me, I'm in trauma 1.

Little Grey; wait, what???

She looks up to see Dr Robbins stood by the door of trauma 1
Lexie hangs the phone up and runs over to the doorway.

Robbins; Little Grey I'm kinda busy, I dont need you phoning me, what's up???

Little Grey; oh... right... sorry. Yeh so the Jane Doe we just took down to the OR apparently you must know her as you were the first person on her cell. I was asked to try to find out who she is.

Arizona looked at lexie confused and raise an eyebrow.

Robbins; okay Little Grey, page me when she gets out of the OR and ill see if I can help. I'm not sure who it could be.

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