chapter 4

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Monday morning Georgia's first day of work.

Meredith had cleared Georgia for surgery so she was really excited to start her day.

The main surgery was on 15 year old Jake Fisher, he had osteosacoma of the right tibia. Georgia joined Arizona, Callie and Alex in the research lab to find I cure without having to result in amputation.

Robbins; a rotationplasty?

Torres; um no, its not possible with this part of the leg.

Russell; fibula grafting?

Torres; no Brit, cancer is seeded to his fibula.

Callie does a deep sigh and Arizona turns to her

Robbins; what?

Torres; you don't like Mark do you.

Robbins; what, I like Mark, he's the father of our baby of course I like Mark.

Torres; lier!

Robbins; I do its just were different, you know.

Torres; no your not, well at least I Dont think you are. Why do you think you are?

Russell; should we leave?

Torres; shut it Brit. Arizona I'm waiting.

Robbins; it's nothing, look its not that I don't like Mark it's just what you see is what you get.

Torres; what?

Georgia giggles at their disagreement

Karev; found it! Look right here we don't have to cut off his leg.

A few hours later they are all in the OR doing the procedure,

Torres; well done Karev, you did really good with this kid today, it's funny I wouldn't have put you down for peds just by looking at you.

Callie gives Arizona a funny look.

Robbins; okay... fine.. I don't like Mark. There I said it.

Torres; you never even tried.

Robbins; Mark stares at my boobs when we talk, (callie and Georgia laugh) he starts at my face but somewhere along the way he gets distracted and end's up on my boobs, I love guys don't get me wrong but I have tried my whole life to avoid the boob staring guys and biology even helped me by making me gay, but now my babies father and my girlfriends best friend is that guy and I don't think I need to apologise for the fact that the only person I want staring at my boobs is you.

Torres; boobs really, your making this about boobs.

Robbins; he stares at them.

Torres; because their good boobs

Russell; haha they really are.

Torres; hey Brit, nobody asked you. I never want to hear you comment on MY girlfriends boobs again you understand.

Robbins; callie!

Torres; no I've had enough, you know what get the hell out of my OR.

Georgia just stood silently in shock

Robbins; callie? Seriously?

Torres; OUT NOW!

Russell; fine.

Georgia scrubbed out and went to the nearest on call room to cool off.

Later in the cafeteria

Robbins; what was that about?

Torres; I don't like her, she needs to watch what she says and plus she's seen you naked.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now