chapter 41

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On the morning of Arizona's ultrasound Georgia had just woken up around 5.30am when she found herself just staring at Arizona sleep.

Robbins; you know it's creepy watching people sleep.

Russell; maybe, if you wasn't my wife.

Robbins; is it bad I'm nervous about the ultrasound?

Russell; no beaut it's normal. Now get your cute ass out of bed we've got to get ready.

Arizona got up and went through to have a shower while Georgia went to make breakfast. She was just making their drinks when her cell phone started to ring.

Georgia- hello Dr Russell speaking

Callie- hey Georgia, have you checked your emails yet?

Georgia- no... why? should I have?

Callie- yes! One of us has been invited to a conference in LA, it was a bit of a last minute invite but we need to fly out in three days.


Callie- yes! Bailey wants only one of us to go. We have a meeting later today with her to decide who should go.

Georgia- wow okay, umm... I'll let Az know. What time is this meeting? We have our ultrasound at 10.

Callie- we are meeting with her at 2, see you when you get here.

Georgia- okay thanks callie.

Robbins; what was that about?

Russell; apparently either Callie or I have been invited to some conference in three days time.

Robbins; really? For how long?

Russell; I didn't ask. We have a meeting about it at 2 with the cheif to decide who goes

Robbins; oh okay, do you think it will be you who goes?

Russell; i don't know beaut, will that be a problem? If you would rather me stay I will.

Robbins; no, no its fine.

They both headed off to the hospital to get through their rounds before their appointment with Carina. Today Georgia was on peds which made her happy as she could spend the day with her wife. Together they had a difficult case. 5 year old Rosie Knight, she was brought into the ER after being the only survivor of a bus crash. She had a bad head lac, multiple broken bones and abdominal bleeding. After her scans they took her straight down to the OR.
The time was getting closer to their appointment.

Russell; Dr Robbins why don't you scrub out and head up to the appointment without me, I'm sorry I cant be there but I'll find you as soon as I am finished, I shouldn't have much longer here.

Robbins; okay. I'll see you soon babe.. I mean Dr Russell.

Arizona scrubbed out and headed up to the obgyn ward.

Bailey; What are you doing Russell?

Russell; working, why.

Bailey; get your ass scrubbed out and go with your wife. We can finish up here.

Russell; are you sure?

Bailey; if I need any help I'll page Karev. Now go.

Russell; thank you Bailey.

Georgia ripped off her gown and gloves before scrubbing out and running to the elevator to catch up with Arizona.

Russell bursting through the door; I'm here

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now