chapter 62

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After her talk with Sofia, Georgia went to find Arizona. She found her sat in on a gurney eating ice cream and she had obviously had been crying. She sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her back.

Russell; beaut, don't cry.

Robbins; it's kinda hard when your daughter hates you.

Russell; she doesn't hate you. Come here.

Georgia gave her a loving hug and rubbed her back as she cried into Georgia's shoulder.

Russell; I spoke to her. And... And she told me why she took the money.

Arizona sat up and gave Georgia a look that asked what was said.

Russell; she took the money so she could buy a plane ticket to New York. She misses Callie.

Robbins; why didn't she tell us that?

Russell; she didn't want to upset us.

Robbins; what are we going to do? We can't keep her here against her will.

Russell; you're her mom, you will know what's best for her.

Robbins; you're right...

Arizona then got up and rushed off down the hallway.

Russell; beaut?

Georgia shook her head and went outside to the coffee cart. She brought herself a coffee and Sofia a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows on top. She also got them both a piece of pound cake. When she got back to her office Sofia was still sitting where she left her.

Russell; hey princess, don't tell your mommy but I got you something nice to go with your hot chocolate.

Sofia; ooo, pound cake. Thank you, GiGi.

Russell laughed; you're just like your mommy.

Sofia; GiGi. You're not going to leave mommy, are you?

Russell; oh Princess, of course I'm not. Why... Why do you ask?

Sofia; Penny left mama. Which made her really sad. And now I'm here with you and mommy, mama is alone.

Russell; Penny left?

Sofia with a mouthful of cake; mhm.

Russell; I didn't know that. Does mommy know?

Sofia; I don't know.

Russell; what are you working on?

Sofia; math.

Russell; I used to love maths.

Sofia; GiGi?

Russell; yes, princess.

Sofia; can you help me, please?

Russell; of course I can.

Georgia and Sofia sat together for an hour finishing her math work. Georgia's pager then went off for a consult in the pit.

Russell; okay princess I have to go do my work now. I've just paged uncle Alex to come to sit with you for a bit, okay?

Sofia; where's mommy?

Russell; she is in surgery right now. She will come here when she is finished.

Sofia; okay. Thank you for helping me GiGi... I love you.

Georgia pulled her in for a big and kissed her forehead.

Russell; aww, I love you too Princess. I better run, see you when I'm back. Be good.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now