chapter 17

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4 weeks later.

That morning Georgia was working on the peds floor and she kept getting a fluttering feeling in her tummy so she pulled Arizona into an on call room.

Robbins; whoa... what's up?

Russell; I'm not sure I keep getting this weird feeling.

She pulled up her baggy scrub top and Arizona felt her tummy. Slowly a smile formed on Arizona's face

Russell; what?

Robbins; that's the baby kicking. It's your scan today right?

Russell; really? yeah at 2. I'm thinking I'm going to find out the sex.

Robbins; yeah? Want me to come with you?

Russell; please.

The rest of the morning went smoothly and Georgia went to find Arizona so they could go up for her appointment with Carina, she got up onto the bed and lifted her scrub top.

Deluca; okay are you mamas ready to find out the gender of your bambino?

Robbins; uuhh... I'm not.

Deluca; sorry, okay let's have a little look... there we go, oh that is a perfect looking little one. Congratulations Dr Russell, you are carrying a very healthy looking little boy.

Georgia started to well up. She was over the moon. Carina wiped down Georgia's tummy and gave her some space to get sorted. Georgia looked over at Arizona and she too had tears in her eyes.

Russell; I'm having a boy, I'm happy to let people know now, no more baggy clothes.

Robbins I like the sound of that (she winks) I'm so happy for you GiGi.

With that they left the room and headed back towards the elevators. Georgia then dragged Arizona into another on call room.

Russell; right I'm just going to come out and say it.

Arizona looked at her confused.

Russell; I am in love with you Arizona and I don't know if its the hormones or whatever but all I want to do is ripped your clothes off right now and...

Arizona placed her finger on Georgia's lips to stop her talking.

Robbins; we have to work a few things out first, let's talk about it later. Just not here okay?

Georgia nodded and Arizona cupped her face and gently kissed her lips.

Robbins; I am in love with you too. Let's get back to work.

Arizona had finished for the day earlier than Georgia did. Georgia had 2 extra surgeries, after she decided she was going to get changed in the attendings lounge for a change, she had been changing in Arizona's office so nobody would spot her bump but now she wanted people to know. She stripped off her baggy scrub top down to her tank top underneath revealing her very neat bump.

Kepner; okay when did that happen?

Torres; umm is there something you have been keeping from us?

Karev; huh?

Russell; yeah so I'm 16 weeks pregnant, thought it was time to let you all know.

April jumped up and hugged Georgia

Kepner; that's really exciting when are you due?

Russell; February.

The conversations carried on and Georgia explained what actually happened the night she was attacked.

Georgia Russellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن