chapter 63

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A few weeks later

Georgia woke up one morning at 9 am, Arizona had already left for work. The house was silent and eerie. She got out of bed and checked the children's bedrooms. Each one was empty.

Russell; what the... Az? You down there?

There was no response so Georgia went down to have a look. Sure enough, nobody was home. She went through to the kitchen where she found a handwritten note.

Good morning beautiful.
I hope you slept well, I had to leave for work and have taken the kids to daycare. I know today is your day off and you have plans with Jo so I thought I'd let you have a lay-in. Don't forget to call Callie. I love you, your Arizona x

Georgia went back upstairs to have a shower and to get ready for her day with Jo. While showering she was singing to herself and didn't notice the bathroom door open.

(Amy Winehouse - tears dry on their own)

Russell singing;
...I cannot play myself again
I should just be my own best friend
Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men
He walks away
The sun goes down
He takes the day, but I'm grown
And in your way
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
So we are history
Your shadow covers me
The sky above ablaze
He walks away
The sun goes down
He takes the day, but I'm grown
And in your way
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their...

Wilson; damn I'll never get over your voice.

Russell; what the fuck, Jo! I did not give you a key to just let yourself in whenever you want... I'm in the shower... Naked!

Wilson; obviously, like it matters the number of times I've seen you naked.

Russell; true... But still.

Wilson; oh shh, I've decided I want to go for breakfast before shopping.

Russell; can we discuss this when I'm not showering... Please.

Wilson; ugh... Okay, hurry up then.

Georgia finished up in the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. She walked through to her bedroom to Jo sat on her bed.

Russell; you just going to sit there while I get dressed?

Wilson; yeah.

Russell; whatever.

Wilson; what's wrong with you? You seem tense.

Russell; just got a lot going through my head.

Wilson; spill it, George.

Russell; okay, so Arizona wants us to move to New York.

Wilson; what? When?

Russell; I don't know. Soon.

Wilson; why?

Russell; Sofia isn't happy here. She misses Callie. She and Penny broke up so she is alone over there. I just don't know what to do or say. I feel if I tell her how I truly feel about it we will argue and she will hate me.

Wilson; how do you truly feel?

Russell; I don't particularly want to move across the country. I'm happy here, our friends are here. I mean I would move for her but I don't think I will be happy about it.

Georgia RussellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz