chapter 23

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After 2 days Georgia was all cleared to go see Timothy, Arizona wheeled her up there. They arrived and put their pink gowns on. Karev came over to speak to them.

Karev; hey guys, he is such a cutie, his oxygen levels are a lot higher and he has been off the vent for the past 5 hours, he is also holding his body temperature, do you want to have a cuddle? So long as he stays that way we can discharge him in the next few days. I have no concerns.

Robbins; yes please. Thanks Karev

Arizona took Timothy out of the incubator and handed him to Georgia.

Russell; I can't get over how small he is.

Timothy started to wimper and kept turning his head towards Georgia's chest with his mouth open.

Robbins; somebody is hungry.
Karev can she try getting him to latch on.

Karev; sure any problems page me.

Arizona closed the curtain so they had some privacy and helped Georgia with getting Timothy to latch on for his feed, which he managed first time.

Robbins; see, he's a clever boy.
She said stroking his head then kissed Georgia's cheek.

Russell; thanks babe.

Arizona sat in the chair next to Georgia

Robbins; we need to make some phone calls.

Arizona paged Callie to bring Sofia up first. Callie brought her straight up, but couldn't stick around as she was paged to the ER. She put Sofia in a pink gown which swamped her body

Torres; sofia baby, you are not supposed to be up here, so be on your best behavior, congrats you two but ive got to run, you okay to take her back down to daycare later?

Robbins; of course.

Sofia sat on Arizonas lap and stroked Timothy's cheek.

Sofia; hello baby, I'm your sister Sofia.
Sofia kissed his head very gently.

Russell; he has finished his feed now, let me just wind him then does princess sofia want to give him a cuddle?

Sofias eyes lit up in excitement but she knew she had to be quiet so she just nodded. Georgia helps Sofia support Timothy and got Arizona to take a picture.

Robbins; I'm going to call my parents

Russell; no do a video call, please.

Arizona nodded and connected the call.

Barbera; hello, everything okay?

Robbins; is dad with you we have a surprise for you both.

Daniel; I'm here.

Arizona turned the camera around to show Georgia sat next to Sofia who was cradling baby Timothy.

Barbera; oh my goodness, he came early.

Sofia; hello nana, look he is my brother.

Barbera; I know sweetheart, isn't he tiny.

Robbins; he weighs 4lb11oz, now he is here we can tell you his name...

Russell; we would like to introduce you to Timothy Daniel Russell-Robbins.

Arizona's parents both started to tear up.

Daniel; absolutely beautiful name, thank you, both of you.

Sofia; Timmy this is our nana and grandpa.

They all talked for a bit longer and arranged a time they could come up to visit.

Robbins; okay we better go now. Speak soon, we love you.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now