chapter 55

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It had been 9 months since Florence was born and things had been a bit up and down for Georgia and Arizona. Where Georgia took the new job she had been spending a lot of time at the hospital and didn't spend much time at home. They hadn't had sex since before Florence was born. It seemed to Arizona that Georgia would much rather spend all of her time at work then with her. Also every time Georgia had a day off it seemed that Arizona was working, It didn't help that everytime Georgia tried to come onto Arizona she would push her away with an excuse of she was too tired or she had to be up early for work. They never argued about the distance between them but they both noticed it. They had just dropped the kids off into daycare when they bumped into Alex and Meredith.

Karev; hey did you read the email?

Russell; no, my emails are playing up. What about you Az?

Robbins; I knew I got one but Florence needed feeding so I forgot to read it.

Russell; what does it say?

Grey reading aloud; an education consultant is making a visit to observe and assess our program?... who is Dr Eliza Minnick?

Russell; what did you just say?

Grey; some consultant is coming to assess our program.

Russell; no the name?

Grey; Dr Eliza Minnick.

Russell sighing; oh crap... I've got to go talk to Bailey. (Kisses Arizona) see you upstairs.

Georgia then ran off to Baileys office.

Karev; what's up with her?

Robbins; you remember when I kicked her out and she stayed with you and Jo.

Karev; yeah, some woman kissed her or something like that and you went all psycho with your hormones.

Robbins; yeah that's right. Minnick is the woman who kissed her.

Karev & Grey; oh crap.

Georgia arrived at Baileys office and knocked on the door, she heard a faint "come in" so she entered the room.

Russell; Bailey, what the hell?

Bailey; what's up Russell?

Russell; Eliza Minnick is what's up. You do realise she nearly broke Arizona and I up.

Bailey; and what's that to do with me?

Russell; why have you brought her here?

Bailey; we need her for our program.

Russell; well if you think I'm working with her you've got another thing coming. I don't even want to see her.

Bailey; I'm sorry you feel that way, if you refuse to work with her I'll have no other choice but to suspend you. Do you understand Dr Russell?

Russell; loud and clear chief.

Georgia left the room and went on with her day, she noticed a few attendings including Arizona stood by a nurses desk so she walked over.

Russell; what are you all looking at?

Kepner; ooo, is that Minnick?

Russell; eeww, I'm going to find something to do (kissed Arizona) see you at lunch?

Robbins; yeah, see you there.

Georgia walked off, while they all stayed watching.

Kepner; what do you think they are telling her?

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now