chapter 39

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It was their 4th day in England and the weather was looking really good. Georgia decided she would take Arizona down to the coast so she could experience a day at the british seaside. Georgia had got herself ready to leave and she was just waiting for Arizona to finish getting ready. Arizona came out wearing her bikini and a pair of shorts.

Robbins. How does this look.

Russell biting her lip. Wow, beaut you look hot but you may want to bring some more clothes though.

Robbins. Why? is this not okay?

Russell. Yeah that is fine. Its just this is England, its not going to be like in LA. It can get quite windy down there.

Arizona packed a pair of pants and a top just incase. They got into the car and headed down to Bournemouth. On the drive down They had their music on loudly, singing along Georgia didn't care as it was just her and Arizona. When they arrive at the beach they found a nice spot to sunbath. They spent a few hours just laying in the sun.

Robbins; this is beautiful babe.

Russell; yeah it's not too bad, I wouldn't go in the sea though, not unless you want to freeze.

Robbins; I've been thinking...

Russell; about?

Robbins sitting up slightly; let's have another baby.

Russell; huh? That was random.

Robbins; well Timothy is one and a half now, I'd like them to be somewhat close in age. I don't mean right now but soon.

Russell smiling; you do surprise me beaut, for somebody who was adamant she didn't want kids you are now suggesting a third.

Robbins; well you don't have to carry it this time. I don't mind carrying.

Russell; come here, I would love to have another baby with you.

Georgia then kissed Arizona gently on the lips.

Russell; we can sort it all out when we get home.

Robbins; yay. Do you think I'll like being pregnant.

Russell. Yeah, I did. Oh except for the being sick, feeling huge and no alcohol.

Robbins; no alcohol... oh I will miss the alcohol.

Russell; it's only 9 months, I think you'll look hot pregnant.

Robbins; you always think I look hot anyway.

Russell; mmm that's true... Do you thing Meredith will ever come home?

Robbins; I hope so. Sofia really misses Zola.

Russell; I know she does, it breaks my heart seeing her face when she realises she isn't in daycare.

Arizona really enjoyed her day at the beach, Georgia was right and she was glad she took extra clothes.
It got to their last night in England and they were getting ready for a night out drinking. Georgia was wondering around their room in just her underwear trying to decide what to wear while Arizona was in the shower. She was thinking something casual just incase Matt turned up, she didn't want to give him an excuse to come onto her again. All of a sudden Arizona leant her head on Georgia's shoulder while wrapping her arms around her waist from behind.

Robbins; what's wrong?

Russell; oh nothing just deciding what to wear.

Robbins; how about your black skinny jeans with your vest top and blue shirt on top. You look hot in that.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now