chapter 6

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After closing, Callie was taken back to the ICU and the baby was taken to the NICU, scrubbing out Georgia was stood next to Arizona both in compleat silence. Walking out of the scrub room Arizona grabbed hold of Georgia's arm and pulled her into a big hug then cried into her shoulder. Georgia wrapped her arms around Arizona and stroked her hair gently.

Russell; hey beaut, everything is going to be fine, they are both stable. I give you my word I will do everything in my power to keep your baby alive.

Robbins; thank you GiGi.

Russell; look we have a while until they are both settled in they are both in the best hands, let's get you something to eat quickly so you can keep your strength up.

Robbins; can you just hold me for a minute? Please GiGi.

Russell; umm.. yeah of course I can.

They stood to the side in eachothers embrace as Tia walked past shaking her head. Georgia ignored her and concentrated on her friend, she didn't care that her relationship with Tia was over she only truly cared that Arizona actually had somebody to comfort her and she was glad that somebody was her. They walked towards the elevator to quickly grab something to eat before heading up to the NICU.

Robbins; so Mark told me I was nothing to the baby.

Russell; look beaut, he was scared, we all are, I doubt he meant it. You are her mom no matter what he says.

Robbins; I feel like I'm callies wife, I feel like I'm our babies mom.

Russell; you are her mom.

Robbins; but what if Callie doesn't make it, then what? I literally have no rights.

Russell; no Arizona Robbins, we do not think like that okay.

Arizona knew Georgia was being stern as she used her full name. They arrived at the NICU and put on the pink gowns

Russell; how is she doing Stark?

Stark; she is still stable, that's a strong little girl you have there Robbins.

Stark walks off as Georgia and Arizona stand over the incubator.

Russell; she is so beautiful Az. Why don't you go be with Callie, ill keep an eye on this precious little lady.

Robbins; any changes you text me straight away, okay.

Georgia nodded as Arizona pulls her into another hug and gently kissed Georgia's cheek.

Robbins; thanks again GiGi.

Arizona headed off to the ICU and Georgia sat in the seat next to the babies incubator, while sat there a few tears started to fall down her cheeks, she had the hardest day and she finally broke.

An hour later Georgia's phone pinged

AR- hey GiGi how's my little one doing? Any changes? X

Georgia- no changes still fighting strong, how's Callie? X

AR- no change, God I hope she come through this, Mark apologised for what he said to me. X

Georgia- that's good beaut, I'm certain Callie will pull through. X

AR- what's Tia's problem? She just came into Callies room to do checks and she was giving me filthy looks x

Georgia- don't mind her, she finished things with me as she thinks there is something between you and I. I've told her but she doesn't believe me. I don't want to be with somebody who can't allow me to be close to my friends. X

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now