chapter 46

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It was a few months later. Arizona was now 25 weeks pregnant, tensions had been running high between Callie and Georgia due to Georgia's decision to give up working on ortho as much and taking on more work on peds. Callie's mood was also not good since Penny started working at the hospital because everyday somebody had a problem with her most of the time it was just due to Derek's death. Today things only got worse because a few days before Penny had been awarded the preminger grant which meant she would have to move to New York. At first they were thinking about going on a break for a year until Arizona suggested a long distance thing as it was only a 6 hour flight but callie misunderstood what Arizona meant.

Torres; you were right by the way and thank you.

Robbins; I love being right. What was I right about?

Torres; Penny, we figured it out.

Robbins; oh yay!

Torres; yeah

Robbins; Sofia was...

Torres; I can totally go with her.

Robbins; what?

Torres; it seemed impossible until I really, really looked at it, but it's not impossible. It's an adventure.

Robbins; your kidding? Are you kidding?

Torres; I know its crazy right but I can get a job anywhere out there

Robbins; yeah, but, wait you have a daughter.

Torres; yeah I know it's a lot to figure out but you were right, it's only a 6 hour flight and you can come to see her whenever you want. We'll figure it out right... oh crap.. umm.. so we will talk about it, okay. So thanks.

Arizona stood there stunned, that wasn't what she meant at all. She paged Georgia to meet her in an on call room as soon as possible. When Georgia got there she started to undress thinking that is what Arizona wanted her for until she saw the tears rolling down her wife's cheeks.

Russell; okay sexy lady I have exactly 1 hou... beaut what's wrong?

Robbins; Callies planning on moving to New York with Penny and she is planning on taking Sofia.

Russell; what?

Robbins; she said its a 6 hour flight and I can visit Sofia whenever I want.

Russell; can she do that? I mean your her mom too.

Robbins; I'm not going to let her, I'm going to fight her. Please tell me I'm not being stupid.

Russell pulling her into a hug. Of course you are not being stupid, she's your daughter too. She can't just decide she is taking her to live on the side of the country because she wants to follow her girlfriend.

Robbins; I can't let her do this.

Russell; no we are her family too, what are you going to do?

Robbins; I'm going to get a lawyer.

Russell; you sure that's what you want to do?

Robbins; I can't loose my daughter.

Russell; okay, I'll support you all the way beaut. Do you want me to see if Karev can cover the surgery without me so we can go home together?

Robbins; I'm going to see a lawyer tonight.

Russell; want me to come?

Robbins; no its okay, I'll see you at home.

Later that evening Arizona had gone to have a meeting with a lawyer while Georgia was going to do her last surgery of the day. Georgia, Alex and Jo were up on the peds floor discussing the upcoming surgery when code blue was called from the boys room. The three of them ran into the room to find the boy crashing. They all jumped into action. Jo started compressions and Georgia grabbed a crash cart.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now