chapter 25

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A couple of weeks later

Callie had a huge trauma which she couldn't do by herself. A girl had fallen off of a roof and had over 50 broken bones. She tried to find anybody else to help but had to end up calling Georgia.

On the phone
Torres; hey Georgia, I am so sorry to have to do this but is there any chance you could come into work to help me on a case? Girl with over 50 broken bones.

Russell; wow that sounds amazing, but I'm not yet cleared for surgery.

Torres; I'll speak to the cheif to see if you can get cleared. Please I need you.

Russell; do it, I miss cutting. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Georgia arrived at the hospital and took Timothy into daycare. She sent Arizona a quick text message just so she didn't get worried.

Georgia- hey babe, I'm in the hospital working with Callie, Timothy is in daycare. Just wanted to let you know. Love you G x

Az❤- are you okay to be back you went through a lot. Don't push yourself. Let me know when you get out and I'll come see you. Love you too Az x

Georgia- will do. G x

In surgery everything was going well

Torres; so how are you finding motherhood?

Russell; I'm exhausted all of the time and my boobs are killing me.

Torres; yeah I remember those days, is he good though?

Russell; he is amazing and Arizona is amazing with him. Some days I swear she is the better mom, she can calm him down so easily.

Torres; she was like that with Sofia too. She is amazing, but don't put yourself down you are great too.

Russell; I'm also finding myself crying for no reason, baby blues suck. Don't tell Arizona though I don't want her to worry too much about me.

Torres; you might want to tell her then you won't feel alone. It's perfectly normal though. Dont forget I'm also here if you need to talk. You have an amazing support system we all love you and will be here to listen if you need us.

Russell; thanks Callie, I'm fine, are we done here? My boobs are killing me I think need to go pump.

Torres; haha yeah, I'll finish up.

Georgia began scrubbing out when she had an overwhelming wave of emotion, she ran off to the closest supply closet then sat there and cried uncontrollably.

Russell to herself; okay breathe... you are okay Georgia... you got this.

She straighten herself out and headed to the attendings lounge to get changed before heading home. When she came out of the bathroom of the attendings lounge Arizona was in there drinking a cup of coffee.

Robbins; oh hi babe how was your surgery.... shit babe are you okay? You've been crying.

Russell; yeah I'm fine just a bit sore... I better go pick Timothy up and head home, ill see you there later.

Georgia kissed Arizona on the cheek and headed to daycare then home.

The rest of that day Arizona was worrying about Georgia, she went to find callie to see if anything happened during the surgery.

Robbins; HEY CALLIE! I'm worried about Georgia, she has seemed a bit off the past few days and before she went home earlier when I saw her she had clearly been crying, she really isn't being her usual self, did she seem okay to you today or did something happen during surgery?

Torres; the surgery went really well, she did mention she had a bit of the baby blues but she was fine when she left the OR.

Robbins; I've tried to call her but its been sent to voicemail each time. Maybe I should go home to check in on her, I have a break now it won't take long, I mean she is probably just asleep... right.

Torres; just go already.

Robbins; right... yeah... see you later then, thanks Callie.

Arizona rushed home when she opened the front door she could hear Timothy crying loudly so she rushed up to his room and there was no sign of Georgia, she picked Timothy up out of his crib and started to comfort him. As he calmed down she could hear the shower running so she went through to find Georgia, Arizona felt somewhat upset that she would just let him cry like that. As she walked into the bathroom she saw Georgia curled up in the corner of the shower crying hysterically still in her clothes. All of Arizonas anger quickly changed to worry. She put Timothy down in the middle of their bed surrounded by pillows and rushed in to the bathroom switching the shower off.

Robbins; Georgia what's going on?

Arizona pulled her into a tight hug.

Robbins; please babe speak to me.

Russell struggling through tears; I.. I.. can't do this... I.. I'm.. not good enough.. b..both deserve b..better

Robbins; no GiGi, we need you, we love you. You are the most important person in our lives. Why didn't you tell me you felt like this?

Russell; I.. I couldn't myself as being weak.

Arizona pulled Georgia into a tighter hug and stroked her hair then kissed her head.

Robbins; you are not weak, this is natural after birth but you need to remember I'm here for you, come on let's get you dry and into bed then I'll sort Timothy out.

Russell; what about work?

Robbins; I'll sort that out too. Don't worry about it. You are my priority. I love you.

Russell; I love you too babe.

Arizona helped Georgia undress then dry off, she couldn't help but notice Georgia keep trying to hide her body.

Russell; please I don't want you to look at me.

Robbins; babe you are beautiful, belie...

Russell; PLEASE! ju.. just leave me, I'll get myself dressed.

Robbins; o..okay.

Arizona left Georgia in the bathroom to continue getting changed, she could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes. She went through to the bedroom and took Timothy downstairs to give him a bottle.

Robbins; oh baby boy, we need to help your mommy out. I just hope she let's us.

On the phone

Hunt; hello Dr Hunt speaking.

Robbins; hey Owen I need a favor.

Hunt; Robbins, is everything okay? You sound upset.

Robbins; I'll be fine, look can you cover my surgeries for the rest of this week, I need to be at home for Georgia.

Hunt; what's happened Robbins?

Robbins; I've just popped home to check in on her and I found her in the shower fully clothed crying hysterically while Timothy was in his crib crying, I think she might be suffering from post-partum depression, she hasn't been herself for a little while.

Hunt; shit, okay Robbins leave it with me, just be there for her. Take all the time you need.

Robbins; thanks Owen.

Arizona finished feeding Timothy, winded him then he had fallen asleep so she put him back upstairs in his crib. She went to the doorway of hers and Georgia's bedroom and watched Georgia laying on the bed in an oversized tshirt curled in the fetal position crying again. Arizona held back her own tears and climbed into bed and held Georgia from behind. She gently kissed her neck and rubbed Georgia's arm.

Robbins; I'm here babe. I know it is hard but try not to push me out.

Georgia turned around so she was curled into Arizona's chest with arizonas hands rubbing Georgia's back.

Robbins; let it out babe, I'm not going anywhere.

They led like this for a while until Georgia finally fell asleep in Arizona's arms.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now