chapter 38

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After a long 10 ½ hour flight they finally arrived at London Heathrow, it had just gone 11am. They collected their luggage and went to rent a car, Georgia was going to be driving, which she was really excited about as Arizona had never been to England let alone in a right hand drive car, plus all the fun of country roads and driving on the left.

Robbins; okay this is weird.

Russell; it's okay, trust me beaut.

Robbins; oh I trust you babe. How far away is the town you grew up?

Russell; about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic of course. I actually grew up in a small village.

Robbins; oh okay.

Russell; there isn't much to do there but we are staying in a big hotel with beautiful grounds, plus we have the car so we can explore about and if the weather is good maybe head to the beach.

Robbins; sounds perfect.

They arrived at the village and Georgia couldn't believe after all those years it hadn't changed one bit. A smile came across her face realising she was happier in seattle and she did not miss the village life. Everybody knows everybody else's business. They got to the hotel which was 5 minutes away from the village high street. They checked into the hotel and were shown to their huge room.

Robbins; wow this place looks magical.

Russell; I knew you would like it.

Robbins; what do we do first?

Russell; well first of all beaut we need to take our clothes off and get into bed.

Robbins seductively; mmm, really.

Russell; yeah, if we don't, the jet lag is going to kick our ass.

Georgia gave Arizona a peck on the nose then went through to the bathroom.

Robbins laughing; bitch

4 hours later they both woke up feeling refreshed, they had decided to take a walk into the village to have a look around before going for dinner.

Robbins; this place is so beautiful, you must've loved growing up here.

Russell; it wasn't bad I suppose, when I started driving I mostly spent a lot of time in the town where I went to college, then I went to uni up north. how about we go here for dinner?

They went into the gastro pub and were seated at their table.

Waitress; hello, welcome can I get you any drinks to start with?

Russell; two white wines please.

Waitress; Russell? Georgia Russell?

Russell trying to recognise the woman; yes.

Waitress; oh my god, it me Abbie Stephens.

Russell standing and hugging Abbie; no way, hey how have you been? Abbie this is my wife Arizona Russell-Robbins. Az this is Abbie, she was my very best friend growing up.

Stephens shaking hands with Arizona; oh, your wife, nice to meet you. Arizona is that because of the state?

Russell; no she was named after a battleship from pearl harbour.

Stephens; oh sorry my bad, I'm not very good with American history.

Robbins; neither was Georgia when we first met.

Stephens; well I'll get your drinks and we can catch up later, it's so good to see you.

Abbie left them both looking at the menus.

Georgia RussellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang