chapter 32

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Alex and Jo's Christmas Dinner.

Georgia and Arizona arrived early to help Jo prepare as Alex had been called into a surgery. When they got there Jo was looking all flustered as she had just realised she had invited so many people round and she didn't have a clue how to cook a Christmas dinner.

Russell; Jo calm down, it'll be fine. I have a plan. Jo you go and entertain Timothy while Arizona and I sort the dinner out.

Wilson; but Arizona cooks worse than I do.

Robbins; hey... rude.

Russell; she isnt wrong babe, you do really suck at cooking, unless it's waffles or pancakes anyway. Luckily enough my mother taught me well. I got this and she can just assist me. Don't stress Jo, go play with Timothy, he will calm you down.

Georgia took Arizona through to the kitchen and they started to prepare everything. Arizona doing everything Georgia told her to.

Russell; Az if you prepare all of the veg ill handle the turkey. There is no way you can mess veg up.

Arizona playfully hit Georgia's arm then prepared the carrots, peas, potatoes and green beans.

Robbins; is this okay? Is it time for a drink yet?

Russell; thats perfect. Az it's not even 11.30 yet.

Robbins; so it's Christmas day, plus I'm off until tomorrow.

Georgia just laughed it off while Arizona got 2 beers out the fridge for herself and Georgia.

Willson; how exactly did you two manage to both get the day off?

Russell; I had it booked off anyway as its Timothy's first Christmas and Arizona is still on leave because of what happened with leah. I've also told Hunt if he is desperate I'll head in, so fingers crossed I won't have to. I doubt he will call as we do have cover in for me anyway.

Wilson; oh cool, when are you two actually going to get married? It feels like you've been engaged forever.

Robbins; that's a bit dramatic it'll be a year on Timothy's birthday.
Babe we should think about it though.

Russell; I was thinking late spring or early summer maybe May or June, I also really like the idea of sofia and Timothy walking down the aisle together.

Wilson; that would be the cutest thing ever. Who will be walking you down the aisle Georgia?

Russell; oh I hadn't thought about that, the closest thing to a dad I have won't be able to, so maybe Derek or Alex.

Wilson; why won't he be able to? Is he back in England?

Georgia and Arizona both laugh.

Robbins; no he will be busy walking me down the aisle

Russell; same with the father/daughter dance either Derek or Alex.
We can plan it properly after Timothy's birthday though.

Later that day everybody started to arrive for dinner, they all sat at the table with small conversation happening around.

Grey; wow Jo you did good. I was expecting pizza or something.

Russell clearing her throat; your welcome.

Grey; you cooked this?

Wilson; yeah, it was all Georgia.

Grey; wow, your good. Lucky you Arizona.

Russell; my mom was a cook in a private home, she taught me well.

Grey; you missed your chance there Karev.

They all laughed at Merediths comment except Jo who wasn't aware of their night together.

Wilson; huh?

Karev; Mer is kidding, we got really drunk one night ages ago and ended up sleeping together.

Russell still laughing; Mer it was one night.

The rest of the night was full of drinking and laughing, it finally got too late for Timothy so Georgia and Arizona got an uber back home.
Georgia was the most sober out of the two of them so she put Timothy to bed. He was so tired after their long day he fell straight to sleep. As she left his bedroom she could hear Arizona in the bathroom attached to their bedroom being sick. She ran in and rubbed Arizona's back whilst holding her hair out of the way.

Russell; oh babe you got a bit of sick in your hair.

As Arizona finished being sick she sat back against the shower door.

Russell; you good? Let's get you in the shower and wash that sick out of your hair.

Arizona just nodded in agreement then Georgia helped her to undress. She then undressed herself and helped Arizona put on her shower prosthetic then into the shower.

Robbins; I love you.

Arizona then leant in to give Georgia a kiss but Georgia pulled away.

Robbins looking offended; hey...

Russell; I love you too but I'm not going to kiss you until you have brushed your teeth, you've just been sick.

Robbins laughing slightly; oh yeah, I forgot.

They finished their shower. Georgia helped Arizona dry off then get dressed into pyjamas and they then cleaned their teeth before getting her into bed, the whole time Arizona was flirting with Georgia. Georgia then started to get herself ready for bed.

Robbins; you are so beautiful, you make me excited just looking at you.

Russell; nothing to do with the fact I'm stood here just in a towel?

Robbins; that's a bonus.

As Georgia grabbed her shorts and tshirt pyjamas she noticed Arizona staring at her.

Russell laughing; what?

Robbins; I don't think you will be needing those.

Georgia just raised her eyebrow as Arizona started to take off the clothes Georgia just helped her into. Shaking her head and laughing Georgia made her way over to Arizona's side of the bed and teasingly removed her towel but hid her body from Arizona.

Robbins biting her lip; don't tease me.

Georgia then dropped the towel and straddled Arizonas lap, they started to passionately kiss. As Georgia started to move gentle kisses down Arizonas neck Arizona started to panic and cry. Georgia immediately stopped and led next to Arizona, pulling her into a gentle hug stroking her hair.

Russell; shhh... its okay, your not ready for that yet and it's perfectly fine.

Robbins struggling to talk; I.. I thought I was, but I.. all I could see was her face. Can you just hold me please.

Russell; of course.

Arizona soon calmed down and Georgia noticed she had fallen asleep, not long later Georgia was woken by Arizona shouting in her sleep

Russell gently; Baby wake up.

Robbins; ahhh!... oh GiGi thank god it was a dream, it felt so real. They took me away from you, I don't want them to.

Russell; hey hey calm down and breathe with me, nobody is taking you anywhere.

Robbins; it was just so scary.

Russell; breathe with me, in... and out... and in... and out.

Arizonas breathing soon calmed down while she listened to Georgia's heartbeat. Georgia spent the rest of the night awake worrying about Arizona.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now