chapter 54

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Arizona and Georgia were still trapped inside the elevator. A few minutes after Georgia delivered their baby she delivered Arizonas placenta, then Owen and Jackson managed to part the doors.

Avery; whoa, what the hell? Why are you stood in your bra?

Russell; I had to use something to wrap the baby up in.

Avery; oh crap you delivered the baby in there.

Russell; obviously... I need some clamps and scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Is deluca out there?

Avery; oh yes... here...

Deluca passing stuff through; how is the baby?

Russell; she is fine, beautiful. Arizona is just feeding her now.

Deluca; how is Arizona doing? Any excess bleeding, did you get the whole placenta out.

Robbins; I'm fine, Georgia did amazingly. Can we just get out of here now.

Russell; please?

Deluca; they are doing everything they can to help. I'm glad you and baby are okay. Here's a few blankets for the bambino.

Russell; thanks, any chance of getting a clean scrub top?

Deluca; Jackson has just gone to get you one.

Russell; awesome. Thanks.

All of a sudden the elevator jolted again as it began moving once again. Bailey came around the corner as Georgia stepped out holding the newborn. While Owen helped Arizona into a wheelchair.

Bailey; Dr Russell where it your scrub top... oh my god.

Russell; Jackson should be back in a second with clean top for me. Oh by the way chief I need to take my few weeks paternity from now... (grinning) we have a daughter.

Bailey; congratulations both of you.

Robbins; thanks chief, oh Georgia we both need to get checked out. Can you go get Timothy so he can meet his baby sister.

Russell; sure beaut but we have to figure out a name for her too.

Robbins; I've already thought of that, I'll tell you once we are in a room.

Georgia passed Arizona the baby,and put on the top Jackson got for her, she kissed Arizona then ran off down to daycare to collect Timothy.

Timothy; mama where's mommy?

Russell; we are going upstairs to see her. We have somebody we want you to meet.

Timothy; who mama?

Russell; you'll see.

Getting inside an elevator

Timothy; mama can I push the button for mommy's floor?

Russell; yeah but she's not on her usual floor so you need to push number 3.

Timothy pushed the button and they went up to the third floor. Georgia picked up Timothy putting him on her hip as they walked down the hallway. They saw Carina on the way and she directed them to the right room. Georgia put Timothy down before opening the door and guiding him in.

Timothy; mommy are you sick?

Robbins; no little man, I'm fine.

Timothy; then why are you in bed? Are you sleepy?

Robbins; a little, how about you come up here with me for a cuddle.

Timothy nodded and Georgia lifted him up onto the bed and he snuggle into her side. Arizona kissed him on his head then looked at a teary eyed Georgia.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now