Robbins smiling; that's what I tell all the labouring mom's.

Russell; I know.

Webber; your not drinking.

Robbins; oh, right.

They turned around to see Callie and Penny walking towards the courthouse, Arizona and Callie exchanged a look and Georgia took hold of Arizonas hand giving it a gently squeeze in reassurance.

Judge kane; we are here today to determine a custody modification of a minor between two divorced parents, Arizona Robbins and Calliope Torres. The trials witness pool is unusual in that it will be shared by both parents. The parties have stipulated to call each witness once at which time each side will have a chance to examine that witness. Your testifying, remember this is not a popularity contest, you are not choosing sides. We are all on the same side, the side of a 6 year old child. Dr Torres, Dr Robbins, custody hearings are, without exception, are very difficult  on all parties involved, your daughter included, things said here will undoubtedly be harsh and cannot be unsaid. I ask this of parents before I begin any custody hearing. Are you both sure you want to proceed?

Robbins; yes, your Honor. I'm sure.

Judge kane; Dr Torres?

Torres; I'm sure. Your Honor.

Judge kane; then this court is now in session to determine the sole physical custody of Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres.

Georgia knew she was going to be the second person called to the stand but first was Owen Hunt, they asked him all about the charity work Dr Torres does with him for injured vets.

Webber whispering; charity work and the vet card, that's smart.

Russell whispering; yeah, that's not good for Az.

Hunt; ... she's found a great school for Sofia, and she's making the best of a tough situation with grace, it's something I admire about her.

Carpio; no further questions at this time.

Owen Hunt stepped down and went back to his seat. The judge then called Georgia to the stand.

Gamble; your married to Dr Robbins, right?

Russell; yes I am.

Gamble; and how long have you knows Sofia now?

Russell; I was there when she was born, I'm actually her god mother.

Gamble; okay and you and Dr Robbins share a child? How do they get along?

Russell; yes we do, Her and our son have such an amazing bond. It is beautiful to see how well they get on and how excited they are to see eachother.

Gamble; no further questions.

Carpio; Dr Russell, would you say you love Sofia?

Russell; of course I do, I mean I could never replace Callie but I definitely feel like she is one of my own and I'd never treat her any differently to our son.

Carpio; and what about your next child? Dr Robbins is expecting your second child, correct.

Russell; yes she is, but just because we are expecting our second together would never mean Sofia would be treated any differently.

Carpio; thank you no further questions.

Penny then took the stand.

Gamble; How well would you say you have gotten to know Sofia?

Blake; very well.

Gamble; that's very good, what's her favourite color

Blake; blue.

Georgia RussellWhere stories live. Discover now