"Hey lovebirds" she said as she pulled Lizzie into a hug which we both just replied with "hi." Making Scar raise an eyebrow. When she let lizzie in she stopped me at the door.

"What did you do?" She asked me with her arms crossed across her chest.

"It's not really my place to say. I've been trying to get her to talk to me but she's mad at me" I said with a shrug.

"Don't worry I'll talk to her." She said as she walked in after Lizzie.

I followed Scarlett into the living room and sat down next to Lizzie. She took a quick glance at me before turning her attention back to her conversation with Colin. I was lost in my thoughts on how to make things better between us. Things that I could do until I was broken out of my bubble when I saw Lizzie stand up to follow Scarlett into the kitchen.

"So whats going on with you two?" Colin asked me making me look at him.

"Well I think she asked me to move in with her and I haven't exactly gave her an answer" I said as I bit my lip

"Well what do you want to do?" He asked me as he sat forward.

"I don't know. The last relationship I was in didn't exactly end well after I moved in with her." I told him honestly.

"So you're scared?" He asked me like he was my therapist.

"Yeah I'm scared. When I moved in with Sam, I sold my old apartment and then went back overseas only to come home to find her in bed with someone else. So I slept in my car for a week until I found the apartment I'm in now." I told him as I looked at the floor.

"Have you spoke to her about this?" He asked me as he sat back.

"No, it's never really came up. Until now" I whispered as I looked back up at him.

"Well you should talk to her. She will understand. She's not like most women" he told me with a soft smile.

"No she's not. She's amazing and way out of my league." I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah she is but she chose to be with you and love you" he told me. And he's right of course. I just need to grow a pair and talk to her.

Lizzie's pov

After I had followed Scar into the kitchen, I had told her everything that had happened between us today before she decided to speak up.

"Well maybe you just caught him off guard." She told me with a soft smile.

"Yeah maybe, but I just dont understand why he's being hesitant with moving in with me." I said as I  rested my hand on my hip.

"Well maybe it's something to do with an ex or something. Sometimes past relationships can make us cautious when we get into a new one." She reasoned with me which I just nodded. "Ok well come on, let's enjoy the rest of our evening together without any if this angst."

I followed her towards the door to the living room when she stopped.

"What's...." I started before she shushed me. We listened to the rest of his conversation with Colin.

"Yeah I'm scared. When I moved in with Sam, I sold my old apartment and went overseas only to come home to find her in bed with someone else. I slept in my car for a week before I found the apartment I'm staying in now." I heard Y/N say making my heart drop.

"Have you spoke to her about this?" I heard Colin say.

"No, it's never really came up until now" I heard Y/N whisper.

"Well you should talk to her. She will understand, she's not like most women" colin said.

"No she's not. She's amazing and way out of my league" I heard Y/N say with a chuckle. It really broke me to think that he thinks very low of himself.

"Yeah she is but she chose to be with you and love you" I heard Colin say before it went quiet. I turned to look at Scar who had a smile on her face.

"What's got you smiling?" I asked her in a whisper.

"Oh its nothing" she whispered back with a smirk. She then pulled my hand towards the living room and we both sat back down. I leant over and gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek. I hate that he doesn't see himself the way I do.

"So anyway, how long until dinner?" Colin asked Scar.

"It will be ready soon, but I need your help in the kitchen." She told him as she pulled him up before leaving the room throwing a wink in my direction.

"I'm sorry love" Y/N said as he looked at the floor.

"Why?" I asked him as I just watched his body language.

"About earlier. I ruined a perfectly good day and evening because of my stupid insecurities" he said as he put his head in his hands.

"It's OK to have them. I just need you to talk to me about them ok" I said as I rested my hand on his leg.

"I know, it's just hard to talk about things most of the time. Especially why I have these insecurities." He said as he looked at me.

"Well I kind of overheard your conversation with Colin" I admitted waiting for him to be mad at me.

"That's fine, I should've told you about how my last relationship ended." He said as he held my hand in his.

"That's fine, how long ago did that relationship end?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to be a rebound for him.

"It was over 3 years ago. After that I stayed clear of women not wanting to get into another relationship or one night stands. So I worked on myself until I was ready to let that one person in that would be the best thing to happen to me." He said as he cupped my cheek while I let out a relieved sigh. "Dont worry love, you will never be a rebound to me"

"That's good. I don't want to be." I told him as I leaned into his hand.

"I'm in this for the long haul. As long as you'll have me" he said with a soft smile.

"I want you for the rest of my life. Your my home." I said before I pressed my lips onto his. We both pulled away and smiled at eachother while resting our foreheads together.

"I hated you not talking to me or smiling at me" he said barely above a whisper.

"I hated it too" I told him as I looked into his eyes.

"Ok lovebirds, dinner is served" scar said with a smirk. We both followed her in to the dining room, he pulled out my seat for me to sit sending the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. I couldn't ever get tired of the little gestures from him. It's his way of saying that he loves me with out saying the word. We were both finally able to enjoy the rest of the night, even if it was the boys talking about football. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face even if I wanted to.

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