But, tigers are nice sometimes

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Another week of extended leave from work was spent with better activities than eating cat food and sappy dramas. Aside from tending his garden and spending quality times with his Dad whom had found out about the whole ordeal and unsurprisingly unperturbed by it, he also had the time to think of a dream.

"Zi Hong," he turned his head, trying to search for the pair of eyes hidden behind the shades that sat handsomely on the bridge of the man's nose. It was the weekend when they were strolling along the scenic road that runs around the Sun Moon Lake, making the best use of Sam's off day.

Yang Yu Teng leaned against Sam and kissed the man's shoulder, the grip on Sam's sleeves tightened as he tried to get his words out.

"Mm.. You know.. Remember when you told me to find a new dream? I think I want to further my study in language."

"That's great," Sam was genuinely happy to hear so, excited even. "Have you figured out where you want to do that?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded slightly, flashing his grin as he answered, "Tokyo."

Sam instantly halted his track, standing solemnly in the middle of the wooden path while watching if there's any hint of mischief in Yang Yu Teng's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

It was familiar, the awkward scratching on the back of the man's neck, the eyes that won't meet his and the stutter at the start of his sentence. To his disappointment, it wasn't mischief he was seeing.

"I.. It's like this, I was searching for a good course to enrol in when my old friend contacted me to ask if I want to join their faculty. You know, it's a good one and they are now offering 10 percent off the fees and a scholarship if I register before the end of the month. They also provide dorms for international students."

Sam was utterly, thoroughly, and outrightly caught off his guard by the non-stop information that his husband cared enough to share in the middle of their date. With a long deep breath, he calmed his mind before pulling Yang Yu Teng under one of the rain shelters there. Fortunately, the one they were in was vacant and a little far from the temple at which visitors always crowded upon.

He let go of Yang Yu Teng's hand before he walked back and forth trying to gather his thoughts and hopefully think rationally.

"What old friend?" he asked.

Yang Yu Teng never told him about any friends except for the nosy Sih Chih Tian.

"What scholarship?"

Yang Yu Teng did not need any. Hell, Sam could provide scholarships if he wants to.

"What dorms?"

Sam wasn't about to let his husband stay in some dubious dorms with other potentially dubious men.

"And what do you mean by by the end of this month?"

The end of the month was less than a week away.

Yang Yu Teng, as one would expect, wanted to answer all the questions in detail per the information he had collected in his free time, only to have Sam cut him off before he could start.

"Are you serious?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"It's only three hours by flight," Yang Yu Teng smiled.

Sam didn't know if it was a smile to calm his restlessness or it was pure innocence and the man he loves really didn't know how worked up he was then.

"Bao, anywhere with an hour flight distance is already too far, let alone three. Can't you just study here? How about National Taiwan University? Surely it has some language courses for you," Sam held his shoulders, anticipating a positive response.

"I'll make sure I come back every month. No! I can try to come back every week."

As hopeful as he was in his gaze, Yang Yu Teng's was impregnable.

"I'll call every day. We can video call too!"

"And when you have time to visit me, I can bring you sightseeing. I promise!"

Yang Yu Teng made promises, one after another, as if it would pacify his tumultuous mind. On the contrary, it just made Sam more dejected as he realized how prepared Yang Yu Teng was, how nothing he say could change the man's resolve.

He moved his gaze away from Yang Yu Teng's pleading eyes and had it fall upon his wedding ring among the fingers he used to squeeze the man's shoulder tight.

He promised he would support the man in whatever he wants to do, so why was he so reluctant? He was the one who suggested that Yang Yu Teng find a new dream in life so how could he stop him now?

"Stupid.." he muttered under his breath, wanting to knock his past self for not thinking his words thoroughly.


Maybe he was afraid that Yang Yu Teng might think that he just called him stupid, or maybe he just felt like he was losing the man already for when he pulled the man into a hug and felt the soft strokes on his back, sorry was the first word that came out of his mouth.

"I'll stay if you ask me to," Yang Yu Teng's voice was far from pacifying. If anything, it just made it harder for Sam to be selfish.

He moved his hands up, using one to stroke the man's hair. "When will you go?"

"It won't take long since I already registered. In two weeks maybe?"

"..." Should Sam be mad that Yang Yu Teng registered without telling him? Should he spend the two weeks he had left, sulking? Sam knew better than to act like a five-year-old.

"Mn, okay."

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Where stories live. Discover now