Bad Day huh?

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The reception that started at 3 that afternoon had dragged out till the sun had set. Almost all the distinguished guests had left, Ke Fang and her husband too. Time passed agonizingly slow that day, at least for Yang Yu Teng who was looking around the still lively people in the hall.

The slow and romantic melody from earlier had long since changed to an upbeat one, adverse to the sublime atmosphere the place for exuding. It hadn't come to his notice, not until he was left alone to sit and wait until Sam finished celebrating his wedding day, that the hall was indeed beautiful. There was nothing simple about the place. Yang Yu Teng believed that even if the hall was not decorated with the thousands of live flowers and candles that served no purpose but posed fire hazard, it would still be a beautiful place.

He counted the five doorless openings along the wall of the hall that opened to the terrace outside and walked towards the one nearest to him. He sighed out of regret. He should've went out earlier when the sky was still bright. Now, all he could see was only the multiple lamp post scattered around the green garden he had seen on his way there earlier, lighting up bushes of flowers that had already drooped to sleep.

Holding the rim of the arched railings, he stayed there. He sighed again. Even if the view outside was as beautiful as he hoped it to be, he wouldn't be able to enjoy it, anyway. He wished he could accompany his father back to the hospital but he was glad that his new Pa and Ma were willing to do it on his behalf. "We're families anyway", they said.

"Hey you!"

Yang Yu Teng jerked to the side as a voice screamed at his ear. It wasn't loud enough to alert the whole hall, but it certainly wasn't pleasant to his ears.


There it was, a tall girl in high heels and short skirt, having a really hard time to even stand up yet she was still eagerly quaffing down the wine she had in her hand, a trail of the red liquid slipped past her mouth. Yang Yu Teng's face scrunched in revulsion.

"You're kinda cute." When the woman advances and almost trips on her own legs, Yang Yu Teng was quick to grab the glass she was holding out of reflex and the woman, though he did not plan to help, fall face down on his chest before flopping down to the floor.

"Are.. are you okay?" Yang Yu Teng bent down to help the unknown woman who was struggling to stand up. He didn't know the floor was made of ice? But he called his good thought off. The short skirt on the woman was not being kind to its own owner, sliding up with her every attempt to regain her lost composure and Yang Yu Teng was not in the mood to be a hero.

After what Yang Yu Teng felt like hours, she was again up, leaning on the railing to not fall down again.

"I'm fine now," the woman said, giggling.

"Uhh..Good," Yang Yuteng simply responded before he turned to step back into the hall. He had wanted to go inside the moment the woman's screech reached his ears but he was just worried that the woman might be too drunk and accidentally jumped down the second floor terrace instead.

"Wait!" the woman tugged on his suit before jumping to hug his neck from the back, almost making him fall on his back. "Accompany me, I'm ... hihi.. I'm bored."

And I'm annoyed.

Yang Yu Teng wasn't exactly in his best mood so when he turned and shoved the woman away, he did it with a little too much force that the woman pathetically fell tumbling down on her butt.

And with that, another blaring screech. This time, loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"What did you do!?" was the first question he heard when people started to gather near him.

"He pushed me!"

Yang Yu Teng wanted to defend himself but the truth was, he did push her. So, he just stood there, with the girl's glass still in his hand, watching as the drunk woman started to weep on the floor before a few other girls came and helped her up.

The group of young rich men and women there whispered and sighed to each other, not really having the nerve to actually say things out loud, though he could still hear some of them. Feeling like a trapped moth in an oil lamp, he wanted to just rush out and take a breather but the only way behind him was blocked and doing so would be very detrimental to his own self-esteem.

"I did and I'm not sorry," he said with a relaxed expression but in his heart, he was just glad that his father wasn't there to see it.

His reply was not received well by the onlookers and even more so by the girl who had not stop rubbing her sore butt.

"You! You tried to seduce me all night and when I refused, you shoved me off! What a jerk!"

I thought drunk people often speaks the truth?

Yang Yu Teng seized the woman up and could not really remember her face. Afterall, there were more than 100 people there that day but seeing that the woman was not really wearing an attire appropriate for wedding, he believed she must had arrived late, probably just for the free booze.

"Why would I? You're not even cute," he sneered.

"You!" the woman was actually truly drunk. If not, she would have noticed the guy she was accusing of was of that, that got married just that day. And if she wasn't drunk, she wouldn't hurl her body over to try and slap the man.


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