How do I get any better?

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Then, he heard the two men inside the room laughed, as if laughing at his ordeal but of course they weren't. Even if Yang Yu Teng had lied to him, he doubted Mr. Yang had any part in it.

"Do you remember, dad? That I promised we'd be travelling around the world when you're all better?

Mr. Yang might not remember but Sam did. His mind drifted back to the voice that had drawn him to find Yang Yu Teng in the first place. If it wasn't for that voice, he would still be wondering about the man who ruined his wedding. But wasn't he wondering all the same now? Afterall, what did he found out about the man other than him having a sick father and being a hella stubborn guy?

Meanwhile in that very room, Yang Yu Teng was massaging his father's legs. The man was cleaning his glasses with the hospital robe he was in. "It's okay, I already have everything I want in this world. Even if I die tomorrow, I'll leave with no regret."

"Dad.." Yang Yu Teng stopped massaging.

Mr. Yang knew his son would say something in the line of loneliness, pity and fatherly love and he knew he couldn't resist the sad face of his only son, so he changed the topic instead.

"Have you moved all your stuff from the apartment?"

Yang Yu Teng had always been thinking of his father, how could he remember about the apartment he had rarely gone back to unless for picking up clean clothes and take a good shower? "I haven't got the chance to."

"Don't tell me you're going to still stay in that apartment after this. I don't even know why you're here now, the day after your marriage," Mr. Yang rolled to his side to face his son more clearly.

It was not a plan but he had thought of it before. Even if he didn't get to go back to the apartment for the time being, he would surely need a place to go back to when Sam decided to let him go. He wondered if that time will ever come.

"Don't worry about it, dad." Yang Yu Teng was never a person good with lying. Even more so when facing his father so when he said it, although it was a mere deflection to not lie, it still showed on his shifty eyes.

"Haiya, of course I'm worrying. What about your husband then? Don't take advantage of someone's kindness, Ah Teng aa. I'm not asking you to move out completely, just take your stuffs and leave mine there."

Kindness? Hearing that word made Yang Yu Teng want to jump in protest and list all the bad thing the 'kind' person had done but after hearing the full sentence, he sighed inwardly. His father asking him to leave his stuff opened up a promenade of worries in his heart. Would his father need to live alone after this? He surely could not let that happen. Even if Sam did not allow his father to stay with them, he still has the apartment to live in. But would Sam ever let him go?

He looked at the determined expression on his father's face, biting his lips at his own weakness. Then, he heard the door slid open from behind him. Turning his head, he saw a wide smile from a face he just saw this morning.

"Aah.. Zi Hong, you're here. Are you here to take Yu Teng home?"

Sam placed a black paper bag on the table and smiled at the old man, "Dad, how are you? The surgery is tomorrow right? Are you fasting?"

"Yes yes. I started fasting at noon today."

Sam, being used to his father's frequent admission to the ward, instinctively went to the opposite side of where Yu Teng sat and sat on the bed near Mr. Yang's legs instead. Seeing that Yang Yu Teng's hands were already on his legs, Sam slowly rub-down his arms, the thin boney hand felt fragile in his own. He wanted to confront Yang Yu Teng about his meeting with Ke Fang just now but seeing the poor man on the bed, he felt like the place couldn't be any worse.

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