Can't You Believe Me?

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"Ray, find that piece of shit! I don't care what you do, break his legs or whatever. I want him here now!" Sam was pacing back and forth in his room in the seven star hotel. He did not notice when and how but the man who just ruined his wedding was already gone the moment the chaotic event cooled down.

His bodyguard just nodded once and went out of the room to do what he was tasked with. He wasn't a man with many words, afterall.

Sam was just about to call his fiancé for the fifteenth time when another man entered his room. The steps were hefty and his breathings were heavy. Sam kept the phone in his pockets and straightened his back as he faced the guest.

"What is your excuse, Lin Zi Hong?" The man although nearing his sixties was still sturdy in his built, no wonder his son grew to be such a heartbreaker. He nipped over to the mini bar and poured himself a glass of whisky, the red on his face and the veins on his forehead had not calmed down since the incident on the beach earlier.

"Pa.. I don't know that guy!"

"He called you 'Zi Hong', how close are you for him to call you that? Even Ke Fang called you Sam. Enough, no more lies." The older man was calm in his words but Sam knew, the calmer his father looked, the more he should be worried.

"But I'm not lying, Pa. You know I love Ke Fang, she's the only one I have. I'll fix this, Pa."

"Fix this? Mr. Sun have already called off the wedding, and all our prospective contracts along with it! Let's not talk about the billions we've lost, Zi Hong. Where do I put my face if this ever gets out? I have built this legacy from the ground up, only for it to be ruined by your indecent acts!"

"We are below no one else, Pa! No one would look down on you. I.. I.."

"That's where you're wrong, Lin Zi Hong! We are where we are because of the people you thought of to be below us, they made us who we are today. You are spoiled rotten and I regret that the most. If I have another son, I would've kicked you out of the registry!"

Sam clenched his fists into balls. "Pa, I'll fix it. It's still not too late."

"You should google our name then, see for yourself. Then tell me again if it's not too late. I don't need you to fix this. I need you to fix yourself, son." Mr. Lin's voice almost trailed off at the end, he couldn't even look Sam in the eyes anymore.


Mr. Lin left when he saw his son's mouth left hanging. He was really let down that day, not by the humiliation he got or the insults he read on the internet, but by the action of his only son, the heir to his legacy. He felt like all the success he had in life had been worthless when he could not even raise his son right.

Taking out the laptop in his luggage, Sam sat in front of the vanity mirror and started searching on the web. The pictures of his wedding was everywhere, the articles were already out in many portals, translated to many languages. He clicked on the pictures, one by one, but it was neither his face he was looking at, nor was it his fiancé's, he was looking for a face he swear he had never seen in his entire life. Finally, he finally found one, then he found another and another. Since there were no reporters at the scene, the pictures taken from the phones of the guests were not of high quality. He took out his phone and texted his bodyguard, 'Get me the pictures from the wedding photographer."

He looked at the pictures again, the one he clicked showed the man's side profile from a few feets away, the blurry picture was enough for Sam to vaguely recall the exact face of that man. The lines on his forehead were almost made permanent by him trying to remember the man, if he had ever anger him anyhow. He was baffled at the end of it, if he did this for money, then why did he run away? If it's for revenge then why not laugh at him in the face? And if it's not money, what else can it be? What would the man gain when he was humiliated all the same with his pictures all over the internet?

Then, it occurred to him that the reason couldn't be other than money. It's always about money. He had many competitors and it could've easily been a scheme to have his company's shares plummets to the ground.

He scowled at his own reflection on the mirror as he answered his phone that had been ringing nonstop, "Boss, we last found him heading to the airport. I believe he had already left Thailand."

Then, there was another call waiting, it was Ke Fang. "Let's settle this when we're in Taiwan," he instructed as he hastily picked up the other call.

"Fang'er, where are you? Let's talk."

"I have nothing to say to you. Don't contact me again. It's over between us."

"Wait, Fang'er.. I love you, please."

"Then, are the man in the pictures not you?"

Sam gritted his teeth, he wanted to say 'of course not' but some of the pictures were really, regrettably him.


"I knew it, Sam! You bastard!"

The call was hung up. He tried calling back but the line had been disconnected. It can't be over, he soothed himself. He flopped his back, his stare glassed over his own reflection. You're an idiot, Sam.

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ