Are you okay?

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Sam woke up the next day to a weeping sound, none different than the one he once heard in a horror movie. He had woken up earlier that day but decided to go back to bed after placing a call for leave, for both him and Yang Yu Teng. So when he heard the disturbing sound, it was already noon and the direct sunlight piercing their room was less then pleasant but apparently the man sleeping beside him could care less with the whole blanket wrapping him like a cocoon.

And that sound.

Sam, after rubbing off the sleepiness from his eyes, extended his hand to touch the man's back, ceasing the weeps almost instantly before his hand was shoved away with a snap of the man's shoulder.

"Yu Teng?" he called, worried. He did feel like he was too harsh the night before.

Seeing that the man wasn't budging from under the thick cover, Sam stood and walked around the bed, again placing his hand on the man, only to be shoved once more. He recalled how the man was before they both went to bed, all giggly and jovial despite being in pain; hence his current temperament wasn't exactly adding up.

"Bao, are you hungry?" he asked the first thing he had in mind, before trying to pull down the blanket covering the man's face.

"Go away!" was his answer, but at least the man kicked the blanket away before pulling a pillow to hug and sit on the bed, so Sam could see his face; and it was a look full of alarm. Sam's eyes trailed down the body at least two size smaller than himself, bull of bruises and bite marks.

It was a truly... a pity sight.

Of course, I'd be mad too, Sam nodded to himself. "Bao.. let's have lunch then some meds okay?"

"Lunch?! Do you think I can eat lunch now? What have you done to me?!" the man shouted again, apparently distraught with the way he was pulling his hair and throwing the pillows around.

Catching one mid-air, Sam mindlessly shouted back, "We had sex! You know that!"

"What..," the man was agape. "You raped me!"

Then it was Sam's turn to have his mouth hung. Were they back at the first day they met at the hospital or what? Of course, Yang Yu Teng said stop many times during their repeated activities last night but he was pretty sure it was all part of sex talk.

"Yu Teng.," he took a deep breath. "Do you not remember last night?"

"You drugged me!"

"I did not!" he shouted before swallowing thickly. "Well, I did but that was in the past."

"So you did drug me?! You.. you..," the man pursed his lips, ".. you bad person!"

"You forgave me! You cannot take it back, I'm not having it!"

It was afterwards did the man's upturned smile changed to a serious pout, signalling a bawling to come, of which he did, after asking another question Sam had no idea how to answer, "Why.. who are you.. why did you do this to me.." The man's words after that was too incoherent to make up a meaning, not that what he asked earlier made any sense whatsoever.

Who am I? He immediately picked up his phone after hearing that one question. Surely, he was not someone Yang Yu Teng would easily forget, not after everything. Keeping the man in his sight, he placed a call to his father.

"Pa, I need a doctor."

So there they were again, at the place everything started. When the hospital got the news that their new patient was Sam's husband, there was a mixture of reactions; some doctors eagerly volunteered to be the physician in charge and others were too scared in case anything would go wrong. But in the end, when the diagnosis came out, they could only laugh in disbelief.

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora