Teaching this little man a lesson

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Sam went out again the next day with a simple note of 'going to the office' left on the fridge. But unlike the day before, he came back earlier with ample time before noon. Nevertheless, thanks to the massive abode, Yang Yu Teng could rarely meet his eyes, until it was time for lunch.

"Are you working on Sunday too nowadays?" Yang Yu Teng finally asked after a long silence over the dining table, sometimes stealing glances at the man in front of him.

"Overdue works," the man answered, short.

He bit his lower lips thinking he would spend the rest of the day ignored again. This can't go on like this, he thought. He wanted to say something and as a teacher, he's quite eloquent when it came to presenting his reasoning and argument. Nonetheless, just one look of those cold eyes was enough to keep his tongue tied and his courage all crumbled to the floor. He was seriously thinking of heeding Chih Tian's advice, but where would he get the confidence?

Still, he tried. Walking around naked was a bit too much and to think that he would be ignored even after doing it was very frightening, so he resorted to a less risky route.

Plastering a brazen face, he put on Sam's sheer white shirt which was big and long enough to cover his butt and a short boxers—a very short one, and walked towards Sam who seemed to be focused on his laptop in the home office but turned his heel to the bookcase almost immediately when he saw Sam lifted his face at his entrance. Brazen? As if. He, at that time, looked awkward at best and he was too busy doing nothing with the books he cannot read a word of to know if Sam was even looking at him.

But from the non-reaction he was receiving, it seemed like Sam was still too mad to even care. Naturally, Yang Yu Teng did not give up at first try. He would walk around, brushes their shoulders ever so often, finding things to do near the man; be it in the living room, kitchen or the bathroom, from morning to noon, but it was all fruitless.

Agonizing over his own quandary, he roughly tousled his own hair as he leaned on the island in the walk-in wardrobe. Deciding not to be wallowed in self-pity, he sighed and picked out a shirt to change into when Sam walked in too.

Unlike his miserable self, Sam did not appear to be troubled. "I'm going out to meet someone," the man informed, buttoning his fresh change of shirt while sparing no glance at Yang Yu Teng.

"Who?" on a whim the question was asked.


"Then why don't you just say you're meeting Ray?" Yang Yu Teng sounded a bit irritated, rightly so, and he would've just went with it if being too aware of oneself isn't a disease. "I mean, you can invite him over, for dinner maybe."

With a clasp of his watch, Sam mindlessly answered as he walked towards the door, "It's for work. You want me to stay as CEO don't you? This is what I do. I work 24/7."

And as if Sam knew the degree of grievous wrong his words gave the other man, he slowly turned, lowering his tone- low and soft.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean that. I'll be back before nightfall and I'll invite Ray over for dinner." He didn't wait for answers for he know how those puppy eyes that he had to watch the whole day could easily melt his icy heart; that, and he needed to teach the man a lesson somehow. Yup, it had nothing to do with the fun he had when Yang Yu Teng was trying hard to get his attention; nope, not at all.

Yang Yu Teng always knew his composure has its limit. Though it seemed like he was fine with all the crap that was happening in his life, he was hurt too; like, how fair was it for Sam to treat him that way? But it's not like he didn't know how Sam was; the man wore his heart on his sleeves.

Unlike Yang Yu Teng who would rather cry alone in the bathroom, Sam would say it if he's mad or if he's happy and even when the man was confused, he'd still know to prioritize things that needed to be prioritized. That was why he was so nice to someone he planned to get revenge on, someone he married despite the heaping hate, someone he would sacrifice his job for just to get their problems over with; and Yang Yu Teng knew this, all too well. So he himself was conflicted. He was hurt, yet he knew Sam was hurt all the same. What could he do then other than letting out his long overdrawn sigh and thrashing his frustration onto his best friend?

"Your idea sucks.."

A snort sounded from the other side of the phone, "It's not my fault you're not sexy enough. Maybe work on your glute a bit."

Kicking the innocent pillow as he lied on the bed, Yang Yu Teng yowled at the response that did nothing but aggravate his discouragement. "Seriously, maybe I should find someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Dating once during high school doesn't really make you an expert."

"Excuse me? That just goes to show how loyal I am, okay?"


"Well, at least, I'm not the one who's married and yet still left alone on a weekend. Who works on a Sunday anyway?" The voice trailed off before a low muttering followed, "I'm supposed to be on a date right now.."

"How'd you know Sam went to work today? I didn't tell you that," Yang Yu Teng raised a brow, hugging a pillow as he curled on the bed.

"Ah! I have an idea," Chih Tian suddenly exclaimed. "Reverse psychology! Do the silent treatment on him too."

"I don't think that's how reverse psychology works."

"Just do it."

"No," Yang Yu Teng pulled the blanket over his face trying to see if the darkness can help him think better. "It won't solve anything."

"Nevermind, I'll help you."

"No thanks."

"See you at dinner!" his friend sounded excited after a long mumblings of incomprehensible sounds.

Yang Yu Teng had a bad feeling. Chih Tian, that excited, can never be a good sign.

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