Someone is mad..

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"Zi Hong..," Yu Teng called out softly while massaging the shoulders of the man who suddenly took out his laptop to finish a work on a weekday night. His eyes marvelled again at the many books and files in the room he had first went in a week ago, thinking of how many years he would have to take to finish reading all of it.


"You read a lot."

"Nah, those are mostly Pa's. He ran out of space at home," the man answered while looking straight into his laptop, his nimble fingers running effortlessly on the keyboard.

"Oh," Yang Yu Teng exclaimed, feigning interest. He tried to read the words on the screen to strike a longer conversation but then decided the words were all too complicated for him and his Chinese tongue.

"What's a incentivize?" he almost flipped his tongue trying to spell out the English word.

"Hmm, to motivate, with incentives."

"Like a bribe? I don't think you should do that in business."

Sam laughed and turned to look at the man who seemed to cannot leave his side these few days.

"No, like an advanced reward."

Seeing that he had successfully caught Sam's attention, Yang Yu Teng instantly walked to Sam's front and sat on his lap, hugging the man's neck. "Then, I want one too. To be incentivized." The moment he said that, he could feel the man's bulge twitching under his butt.

Unfortunately, the man's mind and dick wasn't in tandem that day, or the days before that, for that matter. It had been almost two weeks since he got out of the hospital and to think that even Chih Tian had eased up on attacking him with his "literal mind-blown sex" jokes, Yang Yu Teng was baffled as to why the man would not touch him again. He was starting to wonder if he did something wrong.

"You already have my credit card," the man simply answered.

He gritted his teeth and forced a smile, even though he knew Sam was too busy looking at his laptop screen again to notice his expression. He couldn't believe he would be jealous at a keyboard at his age but that was exactly what's happening even if he wouldn't admit it.

Is this what people call sexual frustration? He very much wanted to pull Sam into bed and have the man relive their first night together but after so many attempts in the past week, he had run out of hope, almost. It couldn't be that he had to cry again, seeing that they always seemed to kiss so passionately after he shed his tears? Like seriously?

Yang Yu Teng, having no more ideas of what to say, just sat there and rested his chin on the man's shoulder. His left hand that was hanging on the other shoulder, he brought down slowly, tracing downwards towards the buffed chest and sculptured abs. The thin pajamas Sam was wearing made his fingers glided even more smoothly.

Seeing that his every action was ignored, Yang Yu Teng ran his finger to trace the lines of the 8 packs, slowly going over the body he literally drooled over whenever the man walked around the house half-naked.

Never in his life did he think a married life would be more challenging than being single, sex-wise. He had never feel a desire this strong before and eventhough they basically had their names on a paper with the country's stamp on it, the man simply took a step back.

He sighed, rather loudly in desperation, wondering what went wrong. Sam had been acting the same, even nicer he would say, but he, just, wouldn't, touch him.

And then, his frustration doubled when Sam said with a concerned voice, "You don't have to be here. Go sleep, you're working tomorrow." It was the same the night before too. He wondered if Sam knew, he did not want to rest. In fact, he was tired of resting!

"It's school holiday tomorrow," Yang Yu Teng retorted, not willing to give up.


"Are you busy? Let's go to bed."

"Mm, you go first. I'll finish this first, okay?"

"..." Yang Yu Teng didn't reply. He, afterall, had his own pride to care for. So, this time, he instantly stood and walked out, vowing to bit his fingers if he ever put his hand on the man again.

After Yang Yu Teng left, it was Sam's turn to sigh. It was no better the next morning. Maybe it was because it's the man's day off but Yang Yu Teng woke up earlier than him that day. When he went down the stairs after his shower, he saw Yang Yu Teng sat on the sofa, watching the TV with Little Prince by his side, with all the lights in the house turned on.

"Bao.. Did you not sleep?"

"No," as in he did sleep, but woke up too early and ended up in so much agony he couldn't fall back to sleep again.

Yang Yu Teng did not bother to turn around, only Little Prince had the courtesy to jump over and greeted him a good morning.

Sam then walked over to sit on the sofa seeing that it was still early for work and joined his husband for an early-morning news though the corner of his eyes repeatedly took peeks at the silent man beside him. Pulling the man closer into his embrace, he asked, "Will you go see Dad today?"

"No, I'm going out."

"Huh? Where?"

"Movies, with Chih Tian." As if, Yang Yu Teng thought. His friend that once used to stick to him like a burdock had also been very busy lately, probably already finding someone else to bother.

"Oh," Sam straightened his back. "Ray asked for a leave today, I'll have someone else send you two then."

"It's okay, Chih Tian have a car," he answered with a toneless voice, his eyes fixed on the TV.

Sam nodded slowly, he truly did not mind Yang Yu Teng going out to have fun and he would totally encourage it if it wasn't for the sour face the man was wearing. Still, he asked, "Will you be home late?"

"I hope so."

"..." Sam then knew, the man was definitely mad and it was clear to him why. He decided at that moment that it was better to have the sulking man close to him than to another, so a sudden idea jumped into his mind.

"Can you reschedule? I'm bringing you to my office."

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