What Did I Do??

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"Maybe.. I should mark my man again.."

He knew Sam would say something he wouldn't like but he still flinched at the deep voice that forced his neck numb. Jumping to his feet, he pushed Sam on his chest only to be pulled closer. Sam's hands were already wrapped around his waist when he saw the mischievous smile on the handsome face.

"Zi Hong, le.. let me go," he turned his head away as the man's face drew closer to his.

Sam stepped forward, forcing the other man to step back until his hip hit the edge of the dining table, causing the chopsticks they used earlier to roll down the table and hit the floor.

"What.. what are you doing?" If earlier he felt like his heart was racing, now, Yang Yu Teng felt like it could jump out and run away on its own. They were so close together, he could see the pulsating vein on Sam's neck as the man leaned forward, leaving no distance between them. It was the same feeling as before, when Sam brought him into that hotel room and forced those drugs into his mouth. With his hands clutching on the man's shirt, Yang Yu Teng squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath.

Just when he felt like his throat was closing, the body that was pressing onto his, eased up.


Slowly opening his eyes, he watched as Sam inserted something into his pocket and smirked.

It was really absurd, Yang Yu Teng thought. From meanness to that playful smirk, he felt like Sam was really trying to capsize the boat he was currently on. The waves were already rough on him and now he had to handle a giant man-eating octopus who thought it could stroke the boat gently, only to put holes in it. Yang Yu Teng was really lost. He could never win this game Sam was playing with him. With all of this running in his mind, he dropped to the floor, squatting while hugging his own legs to bury his head in.

"You.." when Yang Yu Teng looked at him with watery eyes and suddenly cowered down on the floor, Sam instinctively went down with him. He nervously scratched his own knee while waiting for the other man to lift his head, at times holding out his hand to touch the other man but retracted it soon after, worried if it might startle him.

"Hey.. you.. are you.. crying?" he asked as he heard sniffles but he received no response.

What the hell? What did I do? Sam was baffled. Before, when he tried to intimidate the man, Yang Yu Teng had always been able to retort with snarky remarks, or at least shouted at him for being a jerk. What changed? Why is this man acting so weak now? he wondered, oblivious to the fact that if a man can act weak, he can act strong too; and acting strong is harder to maintain.

"I was just taking my wallet on the table," Sam waived the wallet in his hand as if the man could see him, "See?"

With how deep his hatred goes for the other man, he could just leave and let the man settle his own emotion but when Yang Yu Teng hugged his legs tighter as if trying to retreat from the man in front of him, Sam felt somewhat wronged. He needed to explain himself anyhow.

"I just wanted to give you my credit card. You should--" as Sam was just about to finish his words, Yang Yu Teng raised his head; his face was already red and wet and with a face full of indignance, he yelled,

"I don't need your money, Zi Hong! You.. you giant octopus!"

On Sam's wronged expression, a crack of amusement slipped on his lips. He had girls call him a jerk and his business rivals call him arrogant but being called an octopus was a new one. Right before Yang Yu Teng was able to bury his head again, he dropped the wallet he was holding and cupped the other's face, saying with a soft voice, "Did I spray you with blank ink or what? Why are you crying? Stop."

Yang Yu Teng with his face in between Sam's hands, had proven the notion that one really shouldn't coax a crying person with a 'don't cry', it would just make the person cry harder. But Sam was always bad in persuading others, even Ke Fang had the same problem with him in the past and he blamed it all on lack of practice. Afterall, who would dare to cry in front of him?

"Stop crying.. Your dad--"

"My dad what?! Are you really that heartless Zi Hong, using my father any chance you get to get me to listen to you?!"

Sam's pupils moved between the two eyes of clear agitation. He let his hands down, picked up his wallet and stood up. Looking down on the man on the floor, he said, "I was saying, your dad would've worried if he sees your puffy eyes. Do you want his blood pressure to spike a day before his surgery?" With a cold voice, he continued, "But it's up to you. You can bawl your eyes out here for all I care, he's your father after all."

"..." When Sam walked away and started to clean the table, Yang Yu Teng took his time to calm down and wiped the tears away on his sleeves as he found reason in Sam's words. He stood up after a while, and limped his way to the sink where Sam was at, washing the dishes.

"Let me.." he offered. It wasn't his house and the food he just ate he didn't cook. He thought letting Sam wash the dishes would be too much despite his lingering vexation towards the guy.

Sam didn't bother to look at the guy standing near him as he replied, "Just go to your dad, you're already late. Ray is already waiting for you outside."

"I.. can go on my own," Yang Yu Teng suddenly remembered the credit card Sam had inserted in his pocket. Taking the card out, he handed it to the man, "Here, I don't need it."

"Yang Yu Teng," Sam dropped the bowl he was washing in the sink, and turned towards the guy, his face still, "Do you think you have a say in this house? Take the card, and go with Ray or don't bother going at all."

Yang Yu Teng gritted his teeth. This man in front of him was really like the shower people took in the morning. It was too cold and then when the hot water came, it was too hot. There was really nothing in between. As Sam walked away, he still stood there, taking in shaky breaths, thinking if he could bring himself to survive another day.

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