And certainly not with the tigers

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"So...You call your dick the royal carriage now?"

Yang Yu Teng who had been listening intently at the conversation between the two, pulled his brows together before realizing what the man meant. He was just about to shout a loud "No," as if that would make it more believable when the door opened again to the ground floor.

Unlike the other levels where there were only one or two people waiting to get in, the ground floor was crowded. Yang Yu Teng remembered the feeling, he remembered the look on the employees' faces when they saw Sam and himself. It wasn't all that bad, yet it was not pleasant either.

The tug on his hand reminded him to walk, while the other man he still did not know the name of, was still on the same topic, rather loudly so. "Where did your royal carriage take him? To the heavens?"

Amazingly, Sam didn't bother to shut the man up. Following Sam's lead, they walked the path Yang Yu Teng has been brooding over and suddenly stopped in the middle.

What did everyone else do? Yang Yu Teng was sure that they were staring and whispering but he was trying hard to not pay attention. He locked his eyes on the hand that was holding his and his ears on the lawyer's nonstop teasings.

Sam then turned and where his eyes fell, the others followed.

He was looking at a large screen which was wall-high and wide, nudging Yang Yu Teng to look there as well. It's not something new, in fact it was one of the things Yang Yu Teng had noticed the first time he was there.

He turned and saw Sam glancing at his watch, so he did the same too. It just turned 1 in the afternoon when the camera on the screen panned towards an old man in suit, standing on a stage in front of a rostrum, looking rather gaunt.

It was a familiar face.

He then heard Sam clear his throat and the lawyer friend put a finger to his mouth and made a loud shush sound.

With that, the activities on the floor stopped. The chatting, gossiping, footsteps all ceased. The focus which was briefly directed towards the CEO of the company was shifted towards the big screen as the old man started talking.

"That's Mr. Sun," a person exclaimed, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Sam pulled Yang Yu Teng closer, wrapping his arm around Yang Yu Teng's waist as Mr. Sun started talking. The old man's voice echoed throughout the lobby. It didn't make sense to Yang Yu Teng what the businessman was talking about until the mention of his daughter came up, then an apology and a bow to the audience.

From start to finish, it didn't even take 5 minutes. At that point in time, the lobby started to pick up on noise, everyone was talking and whispering except for Yang Yu Teng and Sam.

"What happened?" Yang Yu Teng asked in a low voice.

"You heard him."

"Why is he apologizing for his daughter?"

"Damage control," Sam sighed, feeling bad at what he made the old man go through. He did not really have other choices, did he? His mind hovered back to the conversation he had a week ago.

Sam placed photos that dated way back before his wedding arrangement with Ke Fang on Mr. Sun's desk; of her and her now-husband kissing and hugging, going in and out of her father's summer cabin, all while she and Sam was still together.

It was many months since he last visited the man's office and his arrival there did come as a surprise to the employees. Trying to keep kind face while low-key blackmailing someone he respected was hard.

The expression on the man's face was more of a profound disappointment than disbelief.

"I'm sorry," the man said after a long silence, realizing what his daughter had put the man through a year ago.

If Yang Yu Teng was standing there, he would probably be heartbroken and tell Sam to let it go but Sam had only one goal in mind, which was to clear his husband's name. More than the pinch in his heart to see the old man's gloomy face, he was more relieved that he did not have to stand there and argue incredulity.

"Knowing you, you wouldn't come to me just to complaint about her."

Sam nodded, gripping the backrest of the chair he had not sit in, as if telling the old man that he wasn't there to make friends. "I'd like to stop this once and for all. I can tell her to admit to her mistakes publicly but I will not underestimate her self-worth. She'd do more damage than good."

The old man sighed heavily, clasping his fingers in deep thoughts.

"I also have evidence of her burying her customers complaint and paying them more that she needed to in order for it to not reach your or the public ears."

The old man's eyes went round. He was a business man afterall, and Ke Fang's worry of his father's priorities did not just stem from insecurities solely, though blaming Mr. Sun completely would be exaggerating it. The old man coughed, trying to regain his composure.

"She's only handling a small company but she's your daughter. Aren't you worried of reputational damage? I would, I've seen what it can do."

"I would tell you I'd punish her but you wouldn't be satisfied with just that."

Sam smiled, soft yet sharp. "She loves and looks up to you, you know what to do."

"You're a genius Sam! With this, even if she doesn't apologize to you, people can easily connect the dots and know that your husband is not guilty!" the lawyer exclaimed loudly.

Yang Yu Teng's frown grew deeper. He wasn't sure if he gets what was going on.

"I don't know about the people outside but I'm sure the people here don't need to connect the dots now that you've basically announced it," Ray sneered. Yang Yu Teng didn't notice Ray's presence but the dangling keys in his finger indicated that he just arrived to pick Sam up.

Ray walked close to him and patted his shoulders twice before Sam shoved his hands away. "You don't have to worry now, Mr. Sun apologizing naturally means that they admitted to their mistakes. You're clear now. Sam made sure to have the apology just now aired throughout the country, TVs and radios.

"And online news too apparently," the other man added, showing the screen of his phone. "You even made him strip her off her position and send her abroad!"

Yang Yu Teng did not know what to say, so he just stood there in awe of what rich powerful people can do. Little did he know that it wasn't about being rich, but rather having knowledge and information that can be used against others.

"Ray, Richard," Sam's crisp voice broke in with authority. He then pointed towards the high ceiling, once at the entrance, another at the centre. "Those CCTVs, I want the list of names of people around Yang Yu Teng when he walked in earlier, from here to my office. In the elevator too. Everyone within earshot."

"Okay Boss," the both of them responded, one with a loud resolute voice, the other, low and serious. Richard regarded the audience in the lobby, raised his thumb and gestured it across his neck.

A loud clamour then broke out.

"Huh?" Yang Yu Teng was increasingly confused.

Sam held his arm up and ruffled Yang Yu Teng's hair gently, smiling at the addled look. "Let's go home. Let's get on some bus and have fun maybe." He held his hand as they walked towards the exit before a resonant loud cry reached their ears.

"Yeah, enjoy riding your royal carriage when you get home!"

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Where stories live. Discover now