Why are you here?

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"Huh?" Sam was brought back to the royally decorated hall, his eyes fell upon a fair face, smiling at him ever so sweetly.

"Ke Fang..?"

The woman he thought he was seeing in his dream, landed a small punch on his shoulder, giggling. The face he used to look so fondly at, now brought nothing but pain in his heart. That laugh that used to sound so endearing now felt like nothing but a subtle mock.

"It's me. Pa..-" the woman bit her lip, "Your father invited my parent but they couldn't make it. So I'm here on their behalf. Congratulation, Sam. See, I'm such a good friend, I came despite you not attending my wedding." The woman pouted, then grinned.

Sam faked a laugh that sounded good enough in his ears but to the now silent hall, it sounded so awkward. All eyes were on the two people that used to share their lovey-dovey pictures all over their socials media, which used to incite the jealousy of many girls and boys of Taiwan, and it was only a year ago. But now, the woman was holding someone else's arm and he just got married himself.

"I'm sorry, I was busy." Sam did not lie though, but he did not plan to go to their wedding either. "Hi Dylan," Sam greeted the man by Ke Fang's side. He knew that man and that man knew him too. Why wouldn't they when they were all in the same circle of friends?

"Hi, Sam. Where's your husband? We didn't even know you're getting married."

Even I didn't know I was getting married.

"Sam must've kept his husband out of people's sight. Afraid he might get kidnapped," Ke Fang joked and the other people there laughed.

It was bizarre, Sam thought. They didn't part on good terms and this was the first time he met Ke Fang after a year. Why is she so cool with this? Or am I the one stupid to have this lingering feeling?

"Ha ha, he's around here," Sam turned towards the spot he saw Yang Yu Teng just now and waived at him, gesturing him to come over.

When Yang Yu Teng walked over, he bowed to the group of people, some he remembered were there at Sam's wedding he ruined. And of course, he remembered Ke Fang too.

"Hi, I'm Yu Teng."

"Hi," Ke Fang smiled. "Congrats on your wedding."

"Thank you."

"Please tell me if Sam treats you bad okay? I'll teach him for you," the woman joked again, raising her chin to imitate an angry hen.

Yang Yu Teng's lips curled into a smile, a cumbrous one, while Sam, even if he forced himself to smile, the despair on his face had already betrayed him.

Sam didn't know if Ke Fang really did not remember Yang Yu Teng or she was just pretending, but he remembered Ke Fang was always like that; always finding jokes in every situation she was in. Sam believed she would even joke in the middle of a life and death situation; the reason he fell in love with her in the first place. But now that they were nothing but a mere acquaintances, hearing her joke around and her nonchalance towards his wedding was making him annoyed at the very least.

"If I treat him bad, I'd rather he tells me."

It was a subtle warning and it sounded that way to Yang Yu Teng too. But of course, the dull friends could not grasp the meaning.

"Aiya, so possessive Sam?—You're so lucky, Yu Teng!"

Yang Yu Teng almost wanted to cry out of the pointless praises. Luck? If he was lucky, he'd not cross paths with Sam in the first place.

"I've been curious, Yu Teng. Whose son are you? Which company are you from?" Dylan asked.

Sam finally took a sip of his wine, one hand in his pocket as he waited for Yang Yu Teng to answer.

Yang Yu Teng glanced at Sam, waiting if the man would help him answer. When he was introduced to the important guests earlier, Sam did not allow him to say one word; every thing asked, Sam would readily answer. But now in front of his friends, Sam just stood there, doing nothing.

"Uhh, my father is right there," Yang Yu Teng pointed at the man on a wheelchair many feet away, still conversing with Sam's parent. "And I'm a teacher."

"I haven't seen that old man before? Is he someone rich?"

"A teacher? Not even a lecturer?"

"A new money, maybe?"

The whispers from the side were loud enough as if purposely said for him to hear.

"Is your father sick?" another friend asked.

Yang Yu Teng was about to open his mouth when Sam answered, "Yeah, but he'll be okay. I'm here to make sure of that, right Yu Teng?" a finger flicked Yang Yu Teng's chin before a warm hand held his waist. "I'm a sucker for this man, I give him anything he wants."

"He married Sam for money, then?"

"I can't believe this, why would Sam marry this man?"

"Even with his good look, Ke Fang is many times better than him."

"Good looks? That's all make-up. And he should've at least wear an original watch."

Right at that moment, Yang Yu Teng got the answer to the question he was puzzled with since the day Sam told him about their wedding. A grand wedding and a fancy reception; what for? Why would Sam want his friends to know of him when he had nothing to show off of, how would that benefit him?

He took a deep breath as he turned to look at the man happily laughing while sipping his wine, just beside him.

Sam just wanted to humiliate him. And this was just the start.

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Where stories live. Discover now