I had fun.

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Sam opened the door to see Yang Yu Teng still sleeping on the bed. Despite his 'sleep well' wish the night before, he was pretty sure the man couldn't sleep at all seeing how he was still in bed when it was already past nine.

The careful steps he took turned to a lurch when Yang Yu Teng's phone on the bedside table suddenly rang, causing the man on the bed to roll sideways, pulling the duvet over his face. Sam caught sight of the unsaved number on the screen before rejecting the call out of urgency. He stood there for quite some time, trying to recall of what he meant to do earlier when the door he left ajar was pushed slightly wider.


"Shhh..." Sam mouthed, holding a finger up to his lips and immediately picked up Little Prince off the floor.


"Let's wake up your daddy okay?" Sam dipped his head to whisper to the cat he held on his chest.


Getting his prince's agreement, he carefully climbed up the bed and released his hold on the cat. He watched with glee as Little Prince walked towards the visible messy hair that escaped from the roll of thick covering and pushed its furry paws inside the duvet before finding his spot snug on the poor man's forehead.

It used to surprise Sam how long it usually took for Yang Yu Teng to wake up even with the fat cat on his face but now after witnessing it for so many times already, he just lied there patiently on his side, almost falling asleep himself after more than 10 minutes.

"Mnghh.." Yang Yu Teng groaned at the familiar heavy sensation that rendered his effort to open his eyes futile, making his heavy lids even more reluctant to start their day.

"Yang Yu Teng.." a gravelly calm voice that he knew so well interrupted his attempt to continue his dream. Putting on all his energy in his arms, he pulled Little Prince down on his stomach and pressed his hands down on the bed to sit up. The cat was too lazy, probably wanting to continue Yang Yu Teng's beauty sleep for him; just sitting there obediently after sliding down onto Yang Yu Teng's lap while the man himself took his time to stretch his sleepiness away.

Out of habit, Yang Yu Teng stroked the furry ball softly, closing his eyes again while restraining the second yawn from escaping his mouth.

"Are you not going to work? You're already late," Sam's voice sounded concerned.

Yang Yu Teng's eyes snapped open, instantly rid of his drowsiness. Through the balcony's glass door, he realized that this part of the world was already bathed with sunlight. In urgency, he shoved Little Prince towards Sam and immediately ran to the bathroom, almost stumbling on his way.

Yang Yu Teng felt like he could win a Guinness world record with how fast he took the shower that morning. Forgetting the presence of the other person in the room, he went out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and the shirt he slept in over his shoulder, walking towards the wardrobe hurriedly.

Normally, on weekdays' morning, Sam would already be up and ready for work by the time Yang Yu Teng woke up and even if Sam woke up a bit late, he would get ready in the bathroom downstairs. But it was not a weekday and though it was technically still morning, noon was already calling.

"Fuck!" In his fit of panic, Yang Yu Teng took a wrong step and stubbed his toe against the centrepiece, causing him to hop backwards on one foot while hissing in pain.

"I don't think teachers should be cursing," Sam who had been following the man from behind held Yang Yu Teng's shoulders from the back when he saw the man stumbling backward.

Immediately regaining his balance, Yang Yu Teng stood straight and turned, hugging his own naked upper body out of reflex. As he saw Sam smirking and leaning on one of the closet's sections with his pajama shirt in his hand, he realized he was acting like a shy girl. Instantly letting his hands down, he reminded himself to act cool. His toe was throbbing and his flushed body was on display but his pride came first of course.

"You, why aren't you going to work?" Yang Yu Teng questioned when he noticed Sam was not in his work clothes. He wanted to reach for his clean shirt but Sam was standing right by it.

"The company cannot afford to pay me if I am to work even on Saturdays," Sam grinned, putting his hand in his jeans pocket. The soft yellow shirt he wore was only buttoned half-way down, making his smile looked even more mischievous than he intended it to be.

"Sat.. Saturday?" Yang Yu Teng was then reminded that he had said 'happy weekend' to his students before he left work yesterday. "You! Zi Hong, don't you have anything better to do?!"

Sam laughed in between his leering grin and swiftly nipped over to the rows of his own shirts and took out a dark blue short sleeves checked shirt with matching pants from its hanger.

"Wear this."


Sam hissed, as if his ears hurt from the answer he received. Placing the pants over his shoulder, he did what he did best; pulling Yang Yu Teng closer to him, he put on the shirt on Yang Yu Teng, buttoning up slowly as he watched the rise and fall of the freshly showered man's chest. From his many teasing and chaffing, he had long known that Yang Yu Teng was louder vocally than in his actions. He could not remember a moment when Yang Yu Teng would reject his advances even after saying no. It made him also somewhat worried if the man acted the same way with other people too.

"Do you need help with the pants too?" Sam teased again as he handed the pants over and took a step back. Not waiting for the man to answer, he walked out of the walk-in wardrobe to give Yang Yu Teng some privacy and to cool down himself.

With Sam's back no longer in sight, Yang Yu Teng took a deep breath over and over again to replenish his lung, thinking that he might had forgotten to breathe just now.

"This is ridiculous," he whined as his eyes met Sam's in their room. He had unbuttoned the shirt all the way and put on a white shirt underneath tucked inside the pants; but still, no matter how he looked at himself in the mirror, the clothes did not work on him. He felt like he was wearing a school uniform. No, even school uniforms did not have same pattern all over them.

"I know," ridiculously cute if Sam had to admit it. "Let's go!" 

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant