I'm not a bully..

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Yang Yu Teng left work early that day, humming his way to the house that he had only came occasionally in those two weeks. He couldn't stay there alone, not in this life. He missed his garden and he missed the person who gave it to him. He asked Ray to drop him off at the main entrance, going through the living room directly.

He might have opened their room's door a bit too rashly, seeing that the man sleeping on the bed jerked slightly at his entrance. Though it was fortunate that he wasn't awake, Yang Yu Teng was slightly disappointed that he couldn't meet the man's eyes right away when that was the only thing he could think of since that afternoon. He then tiptoed to the side of the bed, sitting on his legs to take a good look at the man. It was a rare chance, really. Sam had always been the last one to sleep and the first to wake up so he didn't really have the chance to see him this close without having his heart tripped.

He must be tired, he thought as he sat there silently, tracing his eyes on the man's clear face and smiling at the micro-twitches of his lips. It was a sweet moment he was living in, until he remembered that little secret he needed to tell Sam, sending a bitter taste in his mouth.

Having cooked dinner, showered and changed into his plain shirt, he sat by the pool to watch the sun set when a pair of muscular hands wrapped him from behind.

"Morning, Bao," the man whispered in his ears, just because saying good afternoon seemed less romantic.

"You're awake? You hungry?" he held Sam's hand and even though the man was just behind him, it wasn't enough. So, he turned. They sat there, with him in his hands, looking at each other like there was no tomorrow.

"Starving," Sam answered as his eyes leered towards Yang Yu Teng's lips.

"Then, let's have dinner. I cooked your favourite."

"And what's that?"

"Ma told me. You like oyster omelette, I made it with some other side dishes."

"Ma is wrong then," Sam then proceeded to rest his forehead on Yang Yu Teng's shoulder, nuzzling as he took in the smell he had missed for two weeks.

There was a moment of confusion when Sam did that. Just like with every other action of the man, it was a whole new experience for Yang Yu Teng. And honestly, he felt great, though sometimes, most of the times, he had no idea what the man was thinking. "Are you okay?" he asked the safest question he knew.

The man then nodded, still not lifting his head.

As romantic as their position was, after a minute or so of silence, Yang Yu Teng then felt his shoulders aching, thus deciding to suggest a trip to the garden. He had wanted to go there when he got back from work just now but after all the housework, it was already almost dark and going there in the dark was the last thing he would do.

"I wanted to see the garden. Will you accompany me?"

It worked. Sam then lifted his head and nodded again. So they went, took a round of flowers-sniffing-- well, Yang Yu Teng did while Sam just watched from behind—and then they walked back towards the house.

Yang Yu Teng had no idea who started walking so slow but they really took a lot of time going from one point to another. He looked down at his empty hand, reminded of the time they walked hand in hand on the same road they were taking. Feeling like something amissed, Yang Yu Teng forced himself to speak, "You.. have been quiet."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's okay. Are you tired? I'm sorry I made you—"

"No, I'm not. Don't worry. I enjoyed it too."

"Did everything go well in Dubai?"

"Yeah." The answer truly did not fit the tone Sam was talking in. For Yang Yu Teng, it was the first time he had heard such a dull note from Sam. The man was usually firm in his tone, even when asking for salt on the dining table.

He then, like a guilty person he was, started to think of every bad things possible.

Is he mad? But about what? Is it the watch? Is it Chih Tian? Is it because he cooked oyster omelette when the man want to eat something else? Is it... Shit! Did he found out already? Did I miss the chance to explain myself?

Steps halted, Yang Yu Teng stood there thinking of the misery that was his heart and started hyperventilating, and raining tears.

Lucky it was dark around the lawn and Sam had already walked a few steps ahead of him because the man did turn around, asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine. Uhh, you go first!" Yang Yu Teng said in a pitch higher than normal in his desperate attempt to sound okay.


Yang Yu Teng nodded, then watched Sam walked further before he ran towards the darkest corner on the lawn, at which a lamp post was broken. In his whole life, he had never thought of anything that could be scarier than ghosts until Sam; his sour face and his silence were more frightening than all the ghosts in all the Thailand's horror movies he had watched, combined.

He stood there, pacing his breath while facing the neatly cut ledge on the side of the lawn, swallowing his nerves again and again until he finally started to calm down.

"Are you crying?" Sam had not left. Why would he when he saw the man who couldn't even sleep alone at night ran towards an eerie-looking spot under the sky that had not one star in it?

Yang Yu Teng shook his head, not turning to see Sam's face.

"Don't cry," Sam coaxed regardless.

Then there it was, the flood of tears, the shook of his shoulders, the pain in his breathings; when will this man learn to not say 'don't cry' to a crying person?

"That's not how you make people stop crying," Yang Yu Teng whined in his tears and saw Sam had walked around to stand beside him.

He was ugly then, he knew but it was dark and Sam could barely see anything, he supposed.

"I wonder if the amount of tears you shed in a year could fill our pool, that'd really be cost-effective."

Is this what people call crying in the tears of their enemies? Does Sam really hate me now?

So he cried some more.

"Hey, wasn't that funny? I thought it's very funny, though."

Sniffling, Yang Yu Teng felt compelled to answer, "No, I can't. It's not possible. I counted it during my high school year."

Sam's lips turned up before he pulled the man into his embrace. He had found out that the man he married to was indeed not that bad looking, and now the man was a genius too? Sam felt like patting himself on the back but since he was already hugging the man, he patted the man instead.

"Who bullied you?"

"You. You weren't talking to me.," Yang Yu Teng answered as he comfortably snug his chin within the crooks of Sam's neck. "You're mad.."

"Hahah, says who?" Sam pinched the small of Yang Yu Teng's back. "I'm not mad. I'm sorry if I made you think that way. I just have something in my mind."

"What is it?" Yang Yu Teng asked in automated response but regretted it soon, "You don't have to tell me."

"I'll tell you, I need your opinion anyway," Sam smiled. "But, maybe later, when you're done filling my pool."

"Lin Zi Hong..~" in a whiny, nasal voice, Yang Yu Teng pouted after finally ceased his crying.

"Yang Yu Teng..~" Sam responded in the same way before they both burst out in laughter and break their hug.

"Do you know what comes after crying?" 

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant