My FIL is the best!

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A/N: Pardon the late update. I've been busy this week. Enjoy xD


"You have been sleeping here for three nights, why don't you go home and rest," Mr. Yang adjusted the pillow behind his neck, groaning at the discomfort from being on the bed for too long, not to mention the long glued incision on his chest.

Yang Yu Teng shook his head, wiping his father's body using wet tissues. After getting out of the ICU two days ago, Mr. Yang just wouldn't stop nagging him to go home.

"You are too spoiled by your husband, son. If it's someone else, he'd come and drag you out of here already. You just got married and you left him home just like that." Kids these days, he sighed. During his time with Yang Yu Teng's mom, they didn't even want to leave the bed for the next two weeks but now his grown up son didn't want to leave his bed. It was a problem he never saw coming.

"He's fine. He loves being alone," he answered, unconcerned.

"Did you two fight? Already?" he asked with narrowed eyes as he noticed the downcast expression on his son's face.

"...No.." Yang Yu Teng wished he could tell his father that he was actually scared to go back to Sam's house. There's a cat that jumps out of nowhere, there's allegedly ghosts in every room and there's Sam, the scariest of them all.

"It's not good to make someone miss you so much. He might end up finding someone else."

"Dad, why do you like Zi Hong that much?" It really wasn't that surprising. Mr. Yang had always been friendly to everyone but somehow, it just seemed to Yang Yu Teng that his father really favoured this guy when they barely even talk to each other. "He doesn't even bother to come and visit you here..," he muttered to himself.

Mr. Yang knitted his brows, "Says who? Since you two got married, I cannot recall a day when I don't see him."

It was Yang Yu Teng's turn to frown. "What are you talking about? I've been here 24 hours, I haven't seen him once."

"Haiyaa~ you have your husband to put on a sweater over you at night, your in laws to give you food during the day, still you pouting here like a lost duck meh?"

Massaging his temple with a grieved expression, Mr. Yang started his monologue, "Haiyaa, how have I raised my child? Ma, I'm sorry for not teaching our son right. Our ancestors would be--" The old man's voice became hoarser the more he talked but he didn't seem bothered by it. It was more important to get his message across it seems but it was cut short.

"Dad, I've noticed that you talk way too much since that surgery. I wonder if it's a side effect. We should have you checked," Yang Yu Teng stood up and went to pour his father a glass of water. He sneaked a peek at the sweater he had folded and placed on the table. It was Zi Hong's?

"You'll notice I talk less once you go home."

"But I don't want to!" Yang Yu Teng's voice wasn't raised but his tone peeved. A few days ago when they kissed, he realized that he could no longer see Sam the same and that really affected his ability to speak coherently or even speak at all when Sam was close to him.

"I don't think you should talk like that to someone who just had heart surgery," another voice sounded from behind him as he handed the glass of water to his father. Yang Yu Teng could feel his heart raced after not seeing Sam for a few days.

"Ah.. Zi Hong. You're here. Did you come from home?"

"I'm from Pa's. How are you today, Dad? Feeling better?" Sam smiled as Mr. Yang answered with thumbs up. He extended his hand holding an insulated bag, "Here, she asked me to bring some food over. Some people are over at the house so Pa and Ma said they'll be here a little late."

"Just tell them to come tomorrow instead. They don't have to come everyday. I feel really bad.."

"It's fine. They're usually bored at home." He reassured before turning his attention towards the guy standing stiffly beside the bed, "Yu Teng, are you okay? You look pale. Let me see--"

"It's fine!" Yang Yu Teng unthinkingly raised his voice and swatted the hand that was extended towards his forehead, leaving Sam gobsmacked for a few seconds.

"I mean, I'm fine. It's.. It's just cold here," he explained after seeing the shock in his father's face but Sam was as cool as ever. There wasn't even a twitch on the man's face.

Sam cocked his head and walked towards the other side of the bed, wondering what he did wrong and wondering why his heart hurt instead when his hand was swatted just then.

Sitting on the bed, he started massaging the old man's legs out of habit from his own father's many hospital visits.

"Zi Hong, do you remember what I told you before?" Mr. Yang asked. "This son of mine is really spoiled. We don't have a lot of money but since he is the only son, we gave him everything we could afford. I hope you can be patient."

"Dad.. When did-- I'm not spoiled!"

Sam nodded, letting out a soundless chuckle.

"You also promised me you'd take care of him, remember?" Mr. Yang continued, ignoring his son's contorted face.

Sam nodded again. He recalled the promises he made in between all the conversations the two of them had when Yang Yu Teng wasn't around.

"That's shameless of me to ask you of that but if you still remember your promise.."

"What is it?"

"He had been bothering me with his sulky face all the time. Can't you two just make up and be done with it?" Mr. Yang faked a sad look, side eyeing his son while doing so.

Make up? Sam responded with a confused look. He didn't remember having a fight. How could he have one when Yang Yu Teng wasn't home these past few days?

"We didn't fight dad," Yang Yu Teng groaned.

"You can go home then."


"Zi Hong, are you seeing this? I've been putting up with this for my whole life. Can't I just have my rest and time to talk to the beautiful nurses without this kid thirdwheeling the whole time?"

"That bad huh?" Sam laughed.

"Dad.. This is a hospital.. Not a nightclub.."

"However I perceive this humble abode of mine is entirely up to me."


Sam shook his head slowly, laughing quietly at the two men with the same personality. He now knew where Yu Teng got his snarky attitude from. As entertained as he was, the look on Mr. Yang's face was too exaggeratedly disgruntled for him not to interrupt, "Yu Teng, aren't you starting work tomorrow? Are you going to go from here?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a few days anyway. What? Are you going to stick with me even when I'm out? I need some privacy," Mr. Yang feigned a sneer while pointing towards his arm for Sam to massage next.

Yang Yu Teng's face suddenly grew grim. Since Sam found him, his father had always been in the hospital and now that Mr. Yang was about to be discharged, he could not help but be concerned of whom his father would live with after this. His eyes could not move away from the old man that was happily conversing with his son-in-law.

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