Aren't I too Nice?

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When her slap landed, the whole place quieted down. The loud slap would've echoed through the hall if they music wasn't too loud already.

Yang Yu Teng felt like it all happened too quickly. When he saw the woman already kicking the floor like a cat aiming for the mouse, he knew an attack was coming. So, he just closed his eyes. What else could he do? Push her again and have people accuse him of being abusive? He had more pressing matters to think about.

When he opened his eyes, a strong arm was already wrapped behind him and he was already swirled sideways. The glass in his hand had already shattered on the floor.

"Z..Zi Hong?" he blinked.

"That. Fucking. Hurts," the cold deep voice finally broke the awkward silence. His hand was still wrapped around Yang Yu Teng's back while the other one, he used to rub his stinging jaw. He wasn't lying, it did hurt, it almost felt like his jaw was dislocated for a moment. He wondered what such force could do if it was to land on Yang Yu Teng's face instead.

The woman immediately knew she, in layman term, had fucked up. Even if she couldn't remember Yang Yu Teng, she definitely knew Sam. It was the man almost every girl presents there, had at one time had a crush on; not to mention his status in the business world. At that time, the soberness kicked in a little late and she knew she was doomed.

"Sam! I'm sorry. It's a mistake!"

Sam scoffed, "A mistake? Who are you aiming your sticky hand at then?"

"That guy! The guy you're... holding.."

The people that were watching silently, facepalmed themselves, literally and internally.

"Yu Na, tell me, how did my husband here bother you?"

Yang Yu Teng who was too shocked, not because of the slap but because Sam was the last man he thought would come to his aid , just stood there with his back against the man's chest, wondering, don't this man have better friends?

"Husband..? I.. He.."

"Tell me, I love punishing him anyway," Sam smirked but his face was still as cold as ever.

She had really hit rock bottom that night. To lie or not to lie, both options basically meant she's dead. She swallowed thickly and decided to be honest. Afterall, how could someone like her mess with Sam's husband? Not when they're newly married anyway.

"He.. It was a mistake."

"I thought so."


Yang Yu Teng had no idea what the man had in his mind. Looking at his face, it was as if Sam was mad and somewhat protective of him but how is that possible? Why would he?

Then, the man brought his hand down and pushed Yang Yu Teng forward to face the woman, "Go ahead, slap her."

Her face blanched.

Seriously this man!? Yang Yu Teng turned, looking at Sam with a bewildered expression but Sam just nudge him even further.

"Sam..." There were small movements from the woman's mouth, probably trying to get another word out.

"You slapped me, isn't it just fair for him to slap you back?" Sam said. In Yang Yu Teng's ears, there was a hint of excitement in his voice. Is this man a psychopath? He shook his head at the stupid thoughts.

"Zi Hong.." Yang Yu Teng was at a loss.

Seeing that Yang Yu Teng just stood there, clutching the hem of his own suit and looking at him like he had asked him to hide a body, Sam stepped forward and rolled up his sleeves. "Nevermind, I'll do it."

The woman froze. Isn't it better to have the other guy hit her though? Sam's hand looked way too big for her tiny face.

Surely, Yang Yu Teng thought, surely Zi Hong was just playing around. How could a man hit a woman, in front of so many people at that?

Urghh! Won't this night end already!

But then Zi Hong raised his hand.

"Zi Hong, enough!" Yang Yu Teng would very much like to pull Sam away. But as his hand grabbed onto the man's arm, he knew his pull won't budge him at all. He really thought Sam would not pay heed to his shout but then the man simply smoothed his suit, grabbed his back and smiled.

"Okay," he said, obedient. "Guys, I'll take my leave early today. Please continue without me."

As Yang Yu Teng walked out through the long hall, went down the staircase and exited the building with Sam's hand still on his waist, he thought, this man he married to is really, very crazy.

Entering the Rolls-Royce he had never seen Sam in before, he watched as the man beside him reached for a bottle of wine from the middle compartment and started quaffing down straight from the bottle.

"Why would you stop me?" Sam asked after a long silence, scrunching his face as he tried to keep the wine down in the moving car.

"What would people say if you really slap that woman?"

"You slapped a woman Sam? Seriously?" Ray butted in from the driver's seat. He had never heard Sam hurting anyone before, physically at least.

Sam flashed a squint at the man on the rearview mirror and regarded Yang Yu Teng instead, "They wouldn't dare say anything."

"Not in front of you."

Sam looked emptily at the dark road from his window, swirling the bottle of wine in his hand as if it was a fancy wine glass.

"Why do you care so much?" his voice was brittle as he sip another mouthful.

"..." Care?

"When you called me a cheater in front of everyone on my wedding last year, did you ever stop to think what people would've say about me?"

"..." Yang Yu Teng bit his lip, sometimes his shifty gaze would meet the eyes of the driver in front, probably waiting for him to answer the question too.

"Of course you don't. So why are you acting so kind now?"

"..." Yang Yu Teng watched as Sam finished the whole bottle before throwing it on the floorboard. He just wished they would arrive home already. Home? He sighed, another problem he had not the time to think about.

"Because I took that slap for you? You think I care for you now, that I save you from that girl?"

Yang Yu Teng silently mouthed a 'no'. He wasn't feeling confident, he did in a split second thought the man had cared for him.

In a callous voice, the man continued, "Only I can touch you, Yang Yu Teng. Don't humiliate me and get yourself bullied in front of someone else."

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