A headache

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"Did you or did you not take the panadols I put on the counter?" Sam lifted the magazine he was reading as the smaller man tried to use his thighs as a cushion and make comfortable on the long sofa.

"Hm," the man wiggled his back and snuggled his pale face close to Sam's abs, exhaling as every movement was two times more tiring than usual.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Sam put down his read to the side as he groaned at the sight of the unwell man on his lap. "I'll take that as a no- let's go up then, rest on the bed," still the dint of gentle coaxing did nothing to make the man move.

"It's great here, I'll be better in a few minutes."

"I doubt that," his hand softly stroking the man's temple. "How come you're so weak, just a little rain can make you like this. Remind me to-" but the issue was, the man with a headache didn't find his nagging the slightest bit comforting so an elaborate whimpering came his way.

"I'm okay. This is perfect," the man then said after successfully silencing Sam.

"See, whenever I look up I can see you. Perfect." Saying which, droopy-lids and sweet smiling Yang Yu Teng found comfort in Sam's body warmth.

Sam narrowed his eyes, trying to act like he wasn't affected by the sudden coquettish behaviour, "That's not gonna work on me. You still have to take some meds."

"Unghh, why can't you just be my meds," the man pouted.

"I can, but you would be sicker afterwards."

"Why would he be sicker?"

"Dad!" Sam jumped on his feet, startled at the sudden appearance of his Ma and Dad thus sending the sick man tumbling down on the carpeted floor.

"Oh shit! Bao, are you okay?" he rued, before helping the man that seemed to have replaced his pale complexion with that of a flushed irk up to sit on the sofa again.

"Dad," Yang Yu Teng smiled with a frown, letting Sam take care of his unruly hair as he patted the sofa beside him, signalling his father to sit beside him. "I'll make you some coffee."

"No," Sam's mother who had already walked over to the kitchen opposed, almost in unison with Sam and Mr. Yang.

It's just a headache, he had no idea why Sam had to tell the whole village about it, and sending the man a glare didn't seem to get the message across.

"He has been like this since last night, maybe I should bring him to the clinic," Sam contemplated before a sharp pinch landed on his waist, right at the back, out of anyone else's sight.

"I'm fine. What are you talking about?" Yang Yu Teng grinned as he stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I'll go help Ma in the kitchen."

It was really a peculiar sight. Was it a dream last night when the man was so sick he couldn't even lift the spoon up and had to be lifted up and down the stairs?

And just this morning, the man was so whiny of his headache that Sam had to massage him nonstop since before dawn.

"Is he really okay?" Mr. Yang lifted an eyebrow, directing the question at his son-in-law.

"He's...okay," I guess, Sam decided to go along with Yang Yu Teng's distanced scowl, "I was overreacting trying to get Ma to bring food here."

"Aah, I'm glad. It's just that he's rarely sick and even if he did, he'd just take some pills and brush it off as nothing."

Right... Sam turned his head, watching Yang Yu Teng happily chatting away with his mother. He did look fine; the complete opposite of what he was looking like not ten minutes ago.

From plating, eating, chatting and more chatting until the two went home, it took almost three hours and before the car even turn at the gate, Yang Yu Teng already walked away, rushing to the nearest toilet.

It wasn't hard to guess what he was doing from the retching and coughs.

"What the hell..," Sam rushed over and stroked the man's back. "I'm taking you to the hospital," but Yang Yu Teng shook his head, already wet with tears before emptying all the content of his stomach.

When all the man did was snuggle against Sam on the bed afterwards, Sam finally learnt another thing about his husband. He had always thought that Yang Yu Teng was the kind of person that has his emotions painted on his face. Afterall, the man did cry a lot during the few months they were together but now, when Sam thought about it, that really wasn't the case. Well, at least not in front of others.

"You're an idiot..," Sam murmured while pulling the sleeping man closer to his chest. How hard it must have been, to act fine all the time.

That was weeks ago, when all those misinformation and hate that rode along with it had not caused more than just a mere headache.

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