Why Are You Taking So Long?

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"Only I can touch you, Yang Yu Teng. Don't humiliate me and get yourself bullied in front of someone else."

Yang Yu Teng, at that time, in his heart felt a pinch, something he always felt whenever the man opened his mouth. It was nothing new. He had only known the man for a few weeks but he felt like the man has nothing else to show him but hatred. When Sam no longer seemed like he have anything else to say and was too busy trying to finish his wine, Yang Yu Teng closed his tired eyes and thought of how everything had come to this point.

Yang Yu Teng jerked awake at the sound of a closed door. When he opened his eyes, the man who was sitting beside him was already gone and his side of the door was opened. A tall bulky man waited for him to step out.

"Boss, we're here."

Boss? Me? "Please, call me Yu Teng." Yang Yu Teng stepped out of the car, looked around and saw a clear glass wall in front of him, the lighting posts outside illuminated the neat green lawn outside.

"I'll have to ask Sam for his permission to do so, boss. I'm Ray, Sam's bodyguard," the man bowed his head.

Hearing Sam's name, Yang Yu Teng's eyes wandered throughout the entire place but the man was nowhere to be seen. Behind him were a few other cars he had no idea the names of, with a wide long space in the middle for the cars to go in and out through the large steel door on the side.

This.. is this how rich kids live?

"Sam already went in. You can go up into the house through the elevator there," Ray pointed at the opening near him.

Yang Yu Teng initially found the man to be scary and his big build looked a bit intimidating but from the way he talks, Yang Yu Teng found the man to be quiet pleasant, more so than his boss.

Ray, seeing the confused face on his boss's husband, continued explaining, "This house has three floors and this parking is in the middle. Through here, you can go out to the lawn outside; it can lead you to a small garden. It's quiet nice there."

"Oo.. Thank you."

"Do you anything to ask?"

"Actually, yes. Is this Mr. Lin's house?"

"You mean Sam's father? No, this is Sam's. He lives here alone. Well, not alone anymore, I guess."

"Oh," Yang Yu Teng nodded, his pout did little to hide his disappointment of having to spend the night alone with the other man.

"Anything else?"

"How will you go home?"

Ray blinked once. For a man he basically had helped Sam kidnap a few weeks ago, this man in front of him was too courteous. What a weird guy..

"I have my motorcycle outside," he answered, pointing at the key on his waist.

"Then, please be safe," Yang Yu Teng bowed. He fidgeted there, not knowing if he should wait for the man to go first but when he saw Ray watching him with a frown on his face, he immediately turned towards the elevator. When the door closed, he noticed the three buttons on the elevator's wall. He ran his fingers on the buttons, wondering if any of it could bring him to another universe instead. But, if he was this unlucky here, he doubted his other self would be any better. He shook his head at the nonsense and pressed the button going upstairs.

The door opened again. He, from his first impression of the parking garage that could fit more than 10 cars, had prepared himself to be shocked by the absurd money spent on Sam's house but he was still, astounded. The door opened to a large pool, and beside that pool was the house, the villa, the mansion, or whatever it should be called. He squinted his eyes at the well-lit interior of the two storey villa and saw no trace of the man.

So, it is a four storey house? Is this even a house still?

As he walked with the pool on his right, trying to find the entrance to the house, he saw another lawn to his left with a couple of tall palm trees near another open space on the other side of the house. There, he saw the car he had gotten into the first time Sam found him.

It was a sudden reminder of what Sam had done to him and all his awe towards the luxury this man had was instantly wiped clean. He sighed, walked some more and finally found an unlocked glass door, leading up to a kitchen. By then, he no longer had the desire to look around. Instead, he was looking around for places to hide in case he needed to.

Like a thief trying to sneak in, he jerked when a voice sounded from the side, "Did you lose your way here or something?" 

The Wedding Breaker (SAMYU AU FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon