Happy Birthday, Yang Yu Teng.

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The two of them reached home at about nine at night, beaming and full in their stomach and heart. Sam turned his engine off and got off the car, straightening the wrinkles on his shirt.

"Are you tired?" he asked, halting the steps of Yang Yu Teng who was heading towards the elevator in a stride with his arms full of gifts he received earlier.

Turned to face the man who was still standing by his car, Yang Yu Teng answered with a gentle smile, "Not really. You must be more tired."

"Then, will you come with me? You can leave those bags here."

"Hm? Where to?"

It seemed almost as though he was in a sci-fi movie when the glass wall facing the green lawn larger than a football field slid up to an opening and the lights surrounding the space lit up at the same time when Sam clicked a button on the wall near him.

"Woa," Yang Yu Teng exclaimed as he placed his gifts on the trunk of the other car there, stepping outside in seconds. "Cooool."

Having watched the beautiful lawn everyday from his balcony, he admitted of being curious but never thought of ever standing on the level, silky green. It was nothing special, really; well-kept but empty, as if it was there just because the land owner did not have anything else to build on it. Even so, the kid in Yang Yu Teng wanted to run across and roll around the vast field.

With a wide grin on his face, he shifted from one leg to another as his head turned and turned again, waiting for Sam to walk towards him.

"You like this huh?" Sam laughed a happy laugh and took Yang Yu Teng's hand in his as their feet sauntered under the open sky.

"What is this field for?"

"Little Prince."

"..." Yang Yu Teng's jaw dropped. "Seriously?"

"You see the pole and the ramp that run across the hedges over there?" Sam pointed at the far sides of the lawn, glancing to see Yang Yu Teng narrowing his eyes at the half-dark area. "He loves to watch birds there, and sometimes, he loves them too much he'd play with them."

"Really? Then, you should buy him some birdy friends. There's enough space for plenty of them."

Sam clutched his stomach, holding in his laughter, "I don't think that's a good idea." Really, when he said 'play', he already imagined the bloodied mess his cat made whenever a bird was caught but who would've thought that someone would take his word as it is.

"Right, I guess they would just fly away then," Yang Yu Teng scratched his head, trying to figure out another way to find home for Little Prince's 'friends'.

Amidst his busy thoughts, they stopped in front of a pair of tall lamp; their hues of soft warmth illuminated of what seemed to be a dead end at the corner of the trees-guarded lawn. Only when Sam pulled him along through the long trailing stems of large and tiny leaves did he notice there was another path hidden there. This must be the garden Ray told him about, he thought. Looking over his shoulder, only faint lights from the house could be seen escaping through the dense foliage as they walked deeper along the pathways of flower beds.

"What is that.." he exclaimed with his little runs towards the building made of glass he saw from many feet away, leaving Sam behind.

The building made of glass walls and roof was erected in the shape of a colonial house, with white support panels that seemed freshly painted. In the centre, a white glass door stood under its sharp arched roofing.

Cupping the sides of his face near the transparent surface, Yang Yu Teng squinted trying to take a look inside but besides the moon and the few lamp posts surrounding the garden, it was dark, more so inside the building.

Looking from a few feet away, the grown man in the stylish shirt Sam handpicked himself, hunching and probing about the door was really not sparing any effort in keeping his cool.

"Do you see anything?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded, "Leaves. Plants."

"Great, now let's go back," Sam turned on his heels and walked slowly back the way they came from when he heard footsteps running behind him and his shirt tugged. His lips turned up.

"Won't we look inside first?"

"Do you want to?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded, pulling Sam with him towards the door and looked into Sam's eyes as if asking for permission before he open the door.

Sam counted to ten in his head, teasing the impatient man before he gave a slight nod.

When the door was pushed opened, the lights were turned on with it. Yang Yu Teng's nose flared in the air imbued with florally sweet scents as his eyes behold the rich and abundant tufts and thickets of full bloomed flowers in shades of red, yellow, blue and pink and everything in between, surrounding the greenhouse cosy with trailing plants finding their ways even up to the roof, hanging loose like broken chandeliers. The small enchanting water fountain at the corner added to the sound of nature, making it seemed as if they were picnicking by a lake. Maybe that was why a stone table set were placed in the middle of it.

"Happy birthday, Yang Yu Teng."

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