This boy~

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"Happy birthday, Yang Yu Teng."

Smile of awe turned to a look of bewilderment, he looked at the man standing beside him, blinking.

"Do you like it?"

"You mean...," Yang Yu Teng's eyes recced around the area again, "..this?"

"You don't like it? Dad said you always love flowers but you cannot stand flying insects so I-"

"No! I mean, of course I like it. I love it.. but," Yang Yu Teng gave a melancholy little laugh. "All this, did you do it? for me?" his voice trailed, losing confidence as the words slipped his mouth.

"Yeah. Well, I paid people to make this happen, if that counts," Sam answered with a smug look that made him all the more attractive, oblivious to the change in Yang Yu Teng's expression.

Yang Yu Teng's eyes sting, "But.. why?"

"That watch is yours, but this, is your birthday gift. So you can enjoy the flowers without having ugly little butterflies flying around you," Sam ruffled the man's hair, tickled at the thought that there exist a man who's afraid of butterflies.

Seeing the man's chin and lips suddenly started quivering, and his eyes watering, Sam's smile was replaced with a frown. "What are you doing? Don't cry."

The upturned smile on Yang Yu Teng's face hung lower, squeezing his lids together to clear his view, "Zi Hong, you.. you shouldn't be doing this. I.. I..." he started sobbing. "I won't be able to pay you."

"Hey.." Sam stood restless. This was not what he expected to happen when he plan the surprise. Did he tell anyone he was really clueless when it comes to cries? "This is nothing; I didn't even do anything. Dad helped too," he gave a wry laugh, only to have the man cry louder. "You know I have a lot of money, this is nothing, really."

"But you hate me. Why are you doing this if you hate me?"

"Yu Teng.." Sam could feel his heart sunk.

"Even if it's my birthday, why would someone like you bring me out on a date, put me in this hideous suit, and made me this, this.." Yang Yu Teng wipes his cheeks with his shaking hands, "...this place."

Gripping the man by his shaking shoulders, Sam forced Yang Yu Teng to meet his eyes, "Look, Yang Yu Teng. I don't hate you. I've never said that."

"Of course you hate me. You used Dad to threaten me, you shouted at me, you.. you--"

His hands brought down to his sides, Sam drew a quick breath. "That.. I'm sorry," was all Sam could say after a long silence. He did all that and more and despite thinking he had his reasons back then, he now could not think of any. "You go ahead and cry, I can wait."

Sam stood there with his clammy hands in his pockets as he watched the other man's onslaught of tears slowly calming down after what he felt like an eternity. A heartless man he looked like but what else could he do with his conscious guilt burdening his soul?

"I'm sorry," he said again. "That day, at the hotel, I didn't touch you. I just wanted to scare you.."

Yang Yu Teng shook his head, his face wet, "I figured that out."

"Still, I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"I.. I started this," Yang Yu Teng's face contorted again, "If I didn't.."

Sam scratched his nape, "Are you going to start crying again?"

"Shut up. You're really bad at this you know?" Yang Yu Teng wiped his face, forcing a deep breath through his choking throat. "I thought you've dated many girls before."

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