Why in the hell

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And so Sam who learnt, also forgets; or it wasn't that he forgets, he was just too hurt to care. It was the morning of his board meeting when another news broke. One that easily replaced his scandals and helped him retains his position in the company; only at the cost of his heart.

Seeing the pictures of his husband with his ex-fiance so affectionately hugging, was a slap to his face. What about his position? He never really cared. Afterall, it was his father's company he was working at. The shareholders' and investors' trusts he lost he could just take time to regain but what about the trust he had in Yang Yu Teng?


"I want you to have them take down all the pictures," he strode down the long lobby of his company before getting into the driver's seat, "or I'll sue them."

"Sam, calm down," Ray advised as he held the car door opened, worried at how tense the man looked. "Let me look into this first."

Sam knew Yang Yu Teng and Ke Fang had known each other since before, thanks to the pictures Ray once showed him and from the short conversations he had about it with Yang Yu Teng but the extent of their relationship was something Sam never wanted to know. But he found out anyway.

Like any other day, Yang Yu Teng already stood there by the door with a stunning smile on his face when he arrived home. It was only noon, on a weekday. Sam didn't question why the man took the day off from work, simply because he had other questions to ask.

Nevertheless, most of the questions never left his lips.

Calm down, he remembered Ray's words as he walked past the man and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"I made you lunch," the man said from behind, following his back like a puppy with its tail wagging.

"I didn't say I'll be back for lunch," he glanced over the feast on the table; not one of it wasn't his favourite. But food was the last thing he had in his mind so he had his water, loosened his tie, and had another glass of water.

"But you're here. Won't you eat a little?"

Calm down? Yeah, right. Hadn't he calmed down a lot during these past few days? When he was accused of cheating, abuse, and insulted with every bad word imaginable, wasn't he calm?

"Are you acting dumb or you just don't care?" he slammed his glass on the kitchen counter, too hard that it startled the other man quite obviously.

"What do you mean.. I-"

"I'm fucking serious Yu Teng!" Sam's angry snarl reflected on the man's eyes with the yelps of pain, emotional one. "Those pictures, is it really you?"

It took Yang Yu Teng a few seconds to respond, not because he didn't understand but because no matter what his answer was, Sam had obviously made up his mind.

He nodded, "Zi Hong.."

Then the snarl turned low and hopeless, "You-" he swallowed. He would rather Yang Yu Teng lie and he would believe it, all of it. But could he? Could he when his hyperactive mind kept on painting inappropriate pictures of the two people together?

His gaze fell upon the face he had fallen in love with; that face, that body and everything inside. "I can't believe this," he really couldn't. "Do you love her? Have you always loved her?"

"I love you!"

"Well then you love isn't worth shit!" His shoulder brushed Yang Yu Teng's as he walked towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Yang Yu Teng rounded, stopping right in front of Sam, raising his hands to touch the man but ultimately decided against it.

"Please, I can't even stomach the sight of you right now."

"Then I'll leave, I'll go." Yang Yu Teng swallowed thickly, "This is your house, not mine."

"Leave?" The mention of it snapped a little something in his brain, enough to trigger his broad palm to wrap around the man's neck, pushing until there's no distance between the glass front door and Yang Yu Teng's back.

It hurts for a second after the loud slam was done reverberating and he was choking, not because of the grip around his throat; no, Sam had mercy, Sam could never hurt him; he instead choked in his own little sobs as he realized that.

"Have you forgotten why you're here in the first place? You'll only leave this house when you're dead Yu Teng."

"Zi Hong.. please.."

Above the sound of Sam's own anguish, louder was Yang Yu Teng's plead. Their eyes met for the longest time; one red with anger, another red with tears. There's no other word in between until Sam's hand hung to his side. If it wasn't for the deep affection he had already have for the man, laying a punch or two would be as easy as abc but none of it even crossed his mind.

Wiping the man's tears like he always did, Sam let out a despondent sigh. His heartache, even more profound with the fear of his own thoughts as his eyes glossed over the face that he found lovely even after everything.

"Don't leave," he rasped. "I'll listen to you when I'm calmer."

"Then I'll stay!" Sam heard the distant shout of response as he walked out the house, "I won't leave!"

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