I won't bite.

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"How was school?"

"N.. Nothing special," Stepping out of the bathroom, Yang Yu Teng flinched when Sam suddenly came out of the walk-in wardrobe. Seeing Sam already home sent mixed feelings in him; part unease, part relief. However nervous he got with Sam around, he would rather have the man home at night. 

Sam rolled his eyes, not expecting any less from the man who had been avoiding him religiously for almost two weeks now, conveniently staying at his parent's house until the sky turned dark. Sam was surprised he even thought of returning home. Initially, he would tease and poke fun at the man, finding the man all flustered to be quiet funny but now, he could not help but felt a little hurt when even his voice would scare the man. He plucked at the cuff of his shirt and loosened up the tie around his neck as he watched the man awkwardly walked about the room doing basically nothing with a towel around the back of his neck.

Sam was reminded of the many conversations he had with Ray in which Ray repeatedly insisted that Yang Yu Teng was afraid of him and that he should so something about it. Well, he would've done something if the man would even listen to him.

"Come here," Sam tapped twice on the bed he just sat on and rolled his eyes again when the man just stopped and looked at him confusedly. Taking a few steps, he took the man's hand and pulled the man to sit on the bed with him, pushing his back to face him. "Stay." He instructed as he took the damp towel off Yang Yu Teng's neck and picked up a fresh towel in the closet.

"I'm not going to bite you," Sam laid the towel over Yang Yu Teng's head and started patting the man's hair dry. "..unless you let me, of course."

"W..What are you doing?" Yang Yu Teng tensed his shoulders, his hands grabbing his own pants, trying to stand up only to have his head pushed down again.

"Cooking," Sam joked half-heartedly as his awkward hands works around the thick body of hair. His eyes caught on the man's already wet collar, wondering of how uncomfortable it must have felt.

Yang Yu Teng scoffed quietly, turning his head slightly to see the large horizontal mirror facing the bed to try to see if he could take a look at Sam's face. He gave up when the angle he was sitting made it difficult to do so. 

"How many times have I told you? You should at least wrap your hair before going out of the bathroom. See, your shirt is all wet."

He unconsciously raised his hand to touch his collar and tried to recall the time when Sam told him to wrap his hair but he could not. He, actually, could not remember Sam telling him to do anything.

"Also, all that water dripping from your hair could make the floor slippery. Do you want to fall down the stairs? What will I tell your dad if that happens?"

Yang Yu Teng gulped, he couldn't see the man's face and Sam didn't sound angry but he somewhat could feel the annoyance in his voice.

"And another thing," Sam swung the damp towel on his shoulder and pulled Yang Yu Teng to face him, holding the man's shoulder. "I won't force you to have sex with me. Just sleep comfortably." He just did not want Yang Yu Teng to suffocate to death in the blanket he wrapped his whole body in every night, despite the climbing temperature of the early summer.


"Hello? Do you understand?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded once, swallowing thickly as the word 'sex' rang in his ears. How could a man say such word so blatantly? The more he thought about it, the redder his face became.

Trying hard to ignore the tint of red on Yang Yu Teng's face that made him feel some type of way, Sam immediately changed the topic, "Did you see Dad today?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded again.

Sam knew he wouldn't be able to get more words to come out of the man so he just sighed and stood up, heading towards the bathroom again to wash his hand and took a bottle of facial moisturiser with him.

When Sam calloused fingers ran over his face and stroke his forehead, cheeks, chin and neck with a cold thick gel-like liquid, he was put into a trance. He watched as Sam's mouth moved but he could hear nothing in the midst of the light rough touch and the gentle manner the fingers were grazing his skin with.

"I don't think you're listening to me," Sam's lips turned into a curious smile. Finished applying the moisturizer on the man's face, he leaned and booped a kiss on the man's nose. He then stood on his feet and walked towards the bathroom while unbuttoning his shirt.

Yang Yu Teng gave a start, touching his nose. "I've been meaning to ask you," there's urgency in his voice, afraid the courage he had at the moment would dissipate into thin air in the next second.

Sam turned to see the man looking at him, still sitting, "Hm?"

"That time.. uh.. I mean, did you.. did you really.." Maybe it was the sweet gesture of Sam drying his hair, or the concern nagging he got from the man but Yang Yu Teng felt like he could ask anything and Sam would answer them for him; only on that very night, at least.

"What?" Sam walked closer.

Yang Yu Teng turned his head to the side, frustrated at himself. "Nothing." Afterall, how could he demand answers from a man he himself owed answers to. It was only fair, he thought.

"I did not."


"Why are you looking so confused? I answered your question. Are you sure you're a teacher?"

Yang Yu Teng quickly shook his head, "You did not what?"

"Depends, what did you want to ask just now?"

"It's about that day.. you know.. when.." He really wanted to know what happened at the hotel that day. He, during the first few days after the incident believed Sam had assaulted him but after some reading, there were doubts in his mind.


"Did you..." Yang Yu Teng groaned loudly at his own inability to speak his mind, before slamming his back on the bed and pulling a pillow over his face. "Nevermind!"

If it was weeks ago, Sam would laugh at the misery clearly written on the man's face but now, even if he was entertained by the man's antics, he could not help but take the pinch in his heart as pity. Swiftly, he lifted Yang Yu Teng's legs and pulled out the blanket under him. Leaning and drawing his face closer to the man, he tucked the man into bed, "I did not." Sam smiled bitterly watching the man just lied there stiffly with his eyes opened wide, "Now, sleep well."

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