Is this Okay?

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A/N: Please drop this FF if you are easily/or not easily triggered with assault or rape or anything related.

This FF is created for fun only and have nothing to do with the real CP, Sam and YU.. Don't take it seriously.


"Aww!" Yang Yu Teng winced as he was thrown onto the bed. He couldn't believe it. From the carpark to the hotel room they were in, no one had actually passed by them for him to ask for help.

How rich can someone be to have his own private elevator to a hotel room?

Room? Is still called room when it made up the entire floor?

"Stay outside." Sam instructed, directed at Ray.

"What the hell do you want, Zi Hong!?" Yang Yu Teng's arm was still sore from Ray's grip earlier. He jumped out of the bed but was shoved back down instead.

Hearing the man called him using that name was vexing to his ears but he did not have the mood to jeer him for it. He stood by the bed, his arms on his waist as he felt his anger rising.

"What do you think I want huh?" Sam scoffed. What could I want from somebody like him, what could he possibly give? "Tell me why you did what you did and maybe, I won't hurt you."

"I didn't do anything!" Yang Yu Teng was denying but his eyes were shifty and his hands were shaking.

Is this guy serious? So, the life he ruined was nothing to him?

"The last time I saw you, you were crying your eyes out telling people that I had cheated on you. Do you need me to remind you of everything?!"

Yang Yu Teng grew quiet. After a while, he responded. "You deserved it." His voice low but firm.

"A bastard like you don't deserve to marry someone like Ms. Ke Fang! You sleep around and throw them out like they're plastic wraps to your candies! You deserved even worse than just a failed wedding!"

As rage consumed him, he threw himself over the man, holding the man's hands firmly against the bed.

His eyes red, "I sleep around? Then did I sleep with you too?"

"Y..Yes! See? You're too much of a jerk to even remember who you slept with! Let me go! I need to get to work!"

How could a man still think of his work in this kind of situation?

It was true, though. Sam might have believed the man if it was a few years back but how could he not remember sleeping with this particular man? When he never ever swing that way before? And with a face like Yang Yu Teng? Surely he would remember.

He smirked as he brought his hand down to slip under Yang Yu Teng's shirt. "Why don't you help me remember then?"

Yang Yu Teng who was frantic at the sudden change of expression on the man on top of him and the warm uninvited hand on his body , spat at his face and jeered, "I'd rather not, when you can't even last a minute!"

Sam's smirk grew wider as he wiped away the spit that had landed on his cheek and gripped onto the man's hand harder. Don't this guy know that a thousand lies is needed to cover up one lie? And to lie, you have to be good at it? With every words than came out from the man's mouth, the more Sam was sure that he had never slept with the man before.

"Who paid you to do it? I'll let you go if you answer me."

"Are you deaf, Zi Hong? I did it because you deserved it! I'm glad Ke Fang is marrying someone else now!" It slipped his tongue and he didn't notice it. But Sam did. The way he mentioned Ke Fang's name was like he knew the woman personally.

"You loved her, huh? Is that why? You ruined my life just for jealousy?!"

Yang Yu Teng scoffed at the accusation. "What's not to love about the girl who dumped your ass!"

The man's words did not answer his questions whatsoever, Sam was aggravated. He let Yang Yu Teng go and stood up. He walked out of the room within the hotel suite and locked the door behind him, leaving Yang Yu Teng there shouting to let him go.

He instructed Ray to get him something and waited as he paced back and forth in front of the couch. The voice in the room had quieted down when Ray returned and handed him a small plastic with round white pills in it.

"Are you sure you want to do this boss?"

Sam did not answer as he unlocked the room and went inside, Ray followed behind him.

Yang Yu Teng was behind the door, planning a sneak attack but Ray was faster and stronger. He was pinned down on the floor before he knew it. He felt like his back almost broke from the impact.

"So feisty huh?" Sam ridiculed as he watched from the side.

"Fuck you, Zi Hong!"

"Bring him to the bed." With ease, Ray lifted him up on his shoulder and threw him down on the bed. He stood there getting an upper hand as the man struggled to get away.

"I was thinking, Yang Yu Teng. You slept with me, right? I remembered now. And I remembered how much of a slut you were that night we're together." Sam bluffed.

Yang Yu Teng who was still busy struggling with Ray, did not respond.

"See, Yang Yu Teng. I think a slut like you wouldn't mind me having a little fun, right?"

Yang Yu Teng's face grew grim at the words. His eyes were already wet from the struggle earlier, now it was brimming with tears but he held it in, not wanting to show his fear but his face was not hiding it well.

"What do you mean? Are you going crazy?! You're going to get caught for this!"

"Look at you, already worrying about me. Don't worry dear. That's my problem to handle, don't you think?" Sam drew closer as he grabbed Yang Yu Teng's jaw and forced it opened. He jammed two of the pills inside his throat and forced it closed. From the two large eyes looking at him, already tearing up from, either pain or fear, Sam felt a tug at his heart. This is no time to pity him, he thought. He did not plan to back out.

"Shh.. It's okay, it'll be over soon."

They let his hands go as Yang Yu Teng started to fathom what just happened to him. He watched as the bodyguard walked away from the bed, not sparing him a single glance as he closed the door while Sam who was still standing by the bed took off his shirt before everything went dark.

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