Do You Remember Me?

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"That's him."

"Who?" Sam asked again, confused. He again looked at the man standing by the hospital's bed at the end of the room, more attentively this time. The longer he looked, the clearer the picture gets. That lean body, that long hair and that face. That face, especially. The face that one year ago, was crying saying Sam had left him for another woman, but now, the face was sweetly smiling, ironically so.

Ray did not have to answer to know that Sam had realized who that man actually was. "What should I do, boss?" He actually felt guilty for not finding the man when his boss asked him to last year. The man must have powerful backups for him to disappear just like that even with his face all over the news. In the end, when Sam was getting busier with works and life, they gave up on searching altogether.

It's not fair, Sam thought. He had been paying for the disaster the man had caused a year back and the man was now looking all fine and happy? The smile he thought the world of just now, turned irritatingly evil in his eyes.

"Guard the door." And so Sam walked inside the room. No one knew him, except for a couple of nurses there which he asked to leave. When he reached the bed, the man's back was facing him, busy powdering his father's back, so they didn't see him. He then walked towards the end of the bed, standing by the overbed table.

"Hello, good afternoon." Sam's voice was charming and emitting nothing but good wills.

The man and his father turned to see a sweet looking man in tucked in shirts and formal pants.

"There you are, Yang Yu Teng. Took me a long time to find you." From Ray's previous investigation, he had long found out the man's name and even to his surprise, he couldn't believe he actually remembered the man's name when he had only saw it once on Ray's report last year.

The smile froze.

"Yu Teng, who's this? Your friend? What a good looking man!" Mr. Yang's voice was lively despite his ailing body.

The both of them not only shared the same laughs, but also the same smile, Sam thought.

Too shocked to say anything, Yang Yu Teng just stood there unblinking, only fixing his expression when Sam talked again.

"This must be Yu Teng's dad. I'm Lin Zi Hong. You can just call me Sam." Sam walked closer and extended his hand towards the old man which was promptly accepted. The two man shared pleasantries for a while, leaving Yang Yu Teng there in a daze.

If it was anywhere else, Yang Yu Teng would've ran with all his might to escape from his current predicament but this is a hospital and he couldn't possibly leave his dad there just like that. He gripped onto the bottle of talcum he was holding since just now, his mind all over the place.

"Uncle, I wonder if I can borrow Yu Teng here for lunch. I'll bring him back to you as soon as possible."

Uncle? Since when does my dad become his uncle? Yu's face contorted. Hastily, he replied, "No!" His dad was looking at him with a bewildered expression. His no was a bit too loud for the hospital. He said sorry to the other people there who was shocked by his sudden yell and continued, "I mean, I have to return to work. Later, Sam."

"Sam? You always called me Zi Hong." Sam was smiling, but Yang Yu Teng knew, behind that sweet smile, it was nothing but a sarcastic remark.

Almost suffocated by the chill in the air that he alone could feel, Yang Yu Teng was eager to leave the scene. "Right, Zi Hong... See you later.-- I'll come again, dad."

"I'll send you. Let's go." Sam grabbed his hand as he was about to leave. Yang Yu Teng looked at him with his eyes round. He swallowed.

"Great, great. Go, son. You guys can catch up on the way."

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