I have a big cat

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If he could be honest to his father without having the old man worrying too much over him, Yang Yu Teng would've spent his free days at his in-law's rather than being all alone in the big house with a cat that only knew how to eat and poop.

"Oi fatty," he finally searched for and found the cat after three days of boredom, it was licking its paws on top of a high shelf in reading room. "You wanna watch some Kdrama with me?"


Of course he's ignored. He couldn't remember seeing the cat responding to anyone except for Sam and when he thought back about it, it has been a while since he woke up with the cat on his face.

But he wasn't going to give up on the only living thing there.

"I have some snacks," and that did it. Only after he opened up some expensive looking package of mini sausages for cats and using it as his bait did Little Prince followed him all the way to the living room before he made the cat sit beside him on the sofa. Making it sit wasn't the hard part since the cat was not fond of lifting his limbs but making it stay was.

"Hoo, this drama is so good!" he exclaimed after the fourth episode, wishing he could be as cool as the man named Vincenzo on the screen. His loud voice startled Little Prince but before the cat could run away, he opened another pack of mini sausage.

He could've sworn the cat went cross-eyed!

And like a civilised man he is, he prepared himself snacks too. It started with a well-plated crackers and some tea but after many hours of non-stop drama marathon, he simply laid open multiple chips of different flavours and stuffed them in as his brunch and lunch.

"This is too salty..," he complained yet the bag was emptied a few minutes later.

"Urgh, sweet potatoes? Whose idea is this?"

Really, after hours of talking to the cat and himself and dousing himself on salt and sugar, he fell asleep whilst sitting on the sofa, with his one arm firm over the cat who's now also sleeping. Both with round belly and drooling.

"Bao..." Sam could only swallow his shock when he arrived home that evening. He sighed as he walked through the mess on the floor and contemplated on bringing his husband straight to the bedroom or the bathroom. No, not the bedroom. He's not that romantic to ignore all the cockroach's and mice's inviting dirt on the man's shirt.

The bathroom it is.

Yang Yu Teng woke up with a groan the moment his arm went under the man's neck, and with that, a smile that was somewhat spoiled with a trace of crumbs on his lips.

"You're back."


Yang Yu Teng lifted his head from the back of the sofa and groaned deeper as his stiff neck which has been stretched for too long shot pain.

Sam massaged the back of Yang Yu Teng's neck, sighing again as he glanced towards the coffee table.

"You don't have to cook, we're going to Pa's for dinner. Your dad misses you."

Yang Yu Teng nodded gleefully, hugging the man's waist and snuggled in, "I miss you." He really did. He wished he could ask the man to take some leaves and accompany him home but that would just be selfish of him.

"I miss you too," he heard Sam replied as his back was stroked. Yang Yu Teng pulled away, shoving the cat away and pulled Sam to sit in its place.

Sam knitted his brows, watching as his white fluffy pet stretched and walked slowly towards the back of the house. It was 6 p.m., just in time for its daily bird-watching session.

Then, the man beside him snuggled into him again, pulling his hand and rubbing onto his chest. Sam sighed inwardly, not because he found it annoying but because it had been like that these three days and he knew Yang Yu Teng was now hung dry on boredom. It wasn't clear to him the first couple of days as the man seemed to be enjoying his days rather happily but when he received texts after texts and calls after calls, talking about everything and sometimes, nothing, Sam eventually understood though he was pretty sure the man himself didn't know that he's bored. Having worked right after finishing his study, Sam did not really know what boredom felt like. For him, being bored is just...boring.

Just like how Yang Yu Teng wished in silent that he could accompany him home, Sam wished for the same too. Nonetheless, he had work to do and something to settle first before he could do that.

An elaborated yawn snapped Sam out of his little thought.

"I should take a shower, then we can go to Pa's," Yang Yu Teng stood up, a hint of excitement on his half sleepy face.

But most importantly, Sam caught sight of the empty plastic bags of multiple sizes in front of him, not that they missed his sight the first step he took into the house.

"Bao.., can I ask you something?"


"Did you give Little Prince snacks?"

Yang Yu Teng nodded.

"How many?"

"I just gave him the little sausages," he released his hug and started counting the plastic wraps on the table. "Four."


"Did you count the ones on the floor?"

"Oh, six."

Sam scratched the back of his neck, "We should only feed those to him once every three days. It's high in sodium."

Yang Yu Teng smiled and looked up at the man standing in front of him before his lips turned into a straight line. "I'm sorry, he keeps trying to run away so I needed the snacks to keep him still."

"And you, just how many did you eat?"


Sam raised a brow, his eyes swept over the mess.

"Then who ate all these chips?"

"Oh, you mean the chips," Yang Yu Teng licked his lips, still tasting the salt from his binging before. "Just a few," he awkwardly laughed.

"Wait, what else did you eat besides the chips and the sweets?"

Yang Yu Teng blinked, averting Sam's line of sight while unconfidently answering, "Nothing.."

That was when Sam picked up the trash on the floor. Counting the sausages' plastics up to seven at the end of it. "Did you eat one of the sausage...?"



"Little Prince made it seems so delicious so I-"


"Heh.. It is delicious though.."

Sam literally facepalmed himself before pulling the man up and pushing him towards the bathroom.

"Take a shower and brush your teeth," he closed the door before opening it again half a second later. "I swear Bao, if you fall sick from this, I'll- I'll-"

"You'll be mad?"


"..." Yang Yu Teng grinned before tugging slightly on Sam's shirt. "Take a shower with me?"

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