Can't this day end already

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Sam had already made himself comfortable, sipping on the orange juice box he found in the fridge when Ray got home that afternoon. It has been long since he entered the man's apartment and from the look of it, the ex-military man must have got himself a girlfriend. Or else there wouldn't be two of everything in there.

"There's beer in the fridge," with no greeting Ray took the seat on the floor beside the man who looked like he just got back from a funeral. He had seen that face before but back then, Sam was worse; drunk, incoherent, and a mess.

The man with a small straw in between his lips shook his head, "I don't want to do anything I'd regret."

"So you're going back home after this?"

Sam slurped the remaining of his third box of juice, grudgingly biting on his straw as he nodded, "I have to. He can't be alone at night."

Silently Ray pursed his lips, finding it funny that Sam was still worrying despite being angry.

"I have something to tell you," Ray then cleared his throat, wasn't sure if telling Sam would be the best idea but he wasn't in the place to hide it from the man either.

"Those pictures," Ray pulled the empty juice box away from the man, "It's him who gave it to the news station."

"Who? Yu Teng?"

"Mn. And I checked the CCTV. He got in and out of the hotel within 15 minutes. I don't think anything happened," one would expect for Sam to sigh a relief but Ray knew his friend better.

The reason Sam didn't take action on the accusations people threw at him in the first place was to get Yang Yu Teng's name out of anyone's attention. The reason he didn't let Yang Yu Teng say anything about the abuse claim was because he knew it wouldn't make any difference; Yang Yu Teng would in fact, have it worse. But now that he came to know that this time, Yang Yu Teng did everything himself, Ray was pretty sure Sam wouldn't be the slightest bit happy.

"Why would-" Sam's eyes narrowed before rigid cords pulsated in his neck. "That idiot!"

The fifth orange juice box and a 20 minutes' drive home were enough to calm him down but the day just proved to be a bad one.

"You deserve it, Ke Fang. Go home, I don't have anything else to say to you," Sam heard Yang Yu Teng's voice from the wall near the kitchen he was standing at. He wasn't really hiding but the man and the uninvited guest were too immersed in their heated discussion that they didn't realize Sam had already entered the house through his underground garage.

"Fix this, Yu Teng!" the woman standing by the front door shouted, pulling Yang Yu Teng's hand in her bitter agony. "Is Sam okay about this? Will he forgive you!? You're ruining your life!"

"The only life I'm ruining is yours," Yang Yu Teng snapped, roughly taking his hand back and distanced himself further from the woman. "I have nothing to begin with but you, you own everything yet it's never enough. You have to go and mess up other people's life too! Suck it up, Ke Fang. Go cry at your father's feet, see if he'll ever put his trust in you again."

"No matter what happens, I'll still be my father's daughter but you can be thrown away, you can be casted aside, you can be divorced!" Ke Fang seemed to be at the end of her wits, "Did your father even know about this? How would he feel? What would he say if he knew his son is an adulterer! Have you thought this through Yu Teng? Are you out of your mind?!"

"My dad will believe me," Yang Yu Teng gritted his teeth, a mocking smile cracked on his face. "And Zi Hong will too, he won't leave me," he wasn't saying it out of ego, nor was it for saving his face; he simply truly believed that.

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