Ahh my heart~

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"Happy birthday!!" Sam's parents and Yang Yu Teng's father shouted in unison.

The wishes were not as loud as the ones he had saw in TV seeing that the three people who were wishing and hugging him was all over 60 already, but Yang Yu Teng was surprised nonetheless.

"Birthday?" he asked himself and took a solid minute to figure out the date of his own birthday. When he was pulled to the chair and was asked to blow the candles to his birthday cake, he was still confused. At the round table, he sat between his father and Sam's mother as they both filled his bowl of rice full of various dishes.

"I'm sorry.." he muttered under his breath, watching the lines that formed whenever his three parents cracked into laughter. Placing his two palms over his eyes to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall down, he shook his head and said 'thank you' instead.

"Haiya, what a baby!" Mr. Yang laughed, patting his son's back rather roughly out of excitement. "Tell me son, how was your date?"

With his father nudging his arm and Mr. Lin laughing at his father's antics, Yang Yu Teng lifted his eyes to see Sam who was sitting across from him. The man was not paying him any attention, just eating without a sound.

Date? "What are you talking about Dad? It wasn't a date," Yang Yu Teng held up his bowl and shoved a few pieces of cabbages into his mouth, stealing looks at the solemn looking man who would sometimes smile as his eyes met the parents.

"Sam stopped by the house to ask about you a few days ago. Your dad said you like nature, so I assume Sam brought you somewhere beautiful?" It was Sam's mother's turn to pry.

"Of course my son would bring him somewhere nice, he's not a Lin if he's not even good at dating!"

When they again burst into a laugh, Yang Yu Teng couldn't help but smile too. He hooked his feet around the chair legs and took a sip of his water. Restless in his seat, he could almost see a general air of malaise around Sam. It was not difficult to guess. Sam was fine just before they entered the hotel and between the entrance and the private room they were dining in, only he could be the reason of the man's gloomy face.

"Sam, what did you get your husband?" Mr. Lin asked after he had finished joking around.

"Why would I tell you Pa?" Sam answered with a playful smile.

"This must be it!" Mr. Yang held up and waived Yang Yu Teng's hand. "You have great taste, son," he praised his son-in-law. He was never a rich person, afterall. He did not dare guess the price of the outfit and the watch his son was wearing but he thought, whatever his son wore, definitely looked great.

"It's nothing, Dad. I got you one too."

"What about me?" Mr. Lin faked a pout.

"Sure," Sam scoffed. "Ma, Pa wants a new watch."

While the others were chatting happily, Yang Yu Teng was feeling something entirely different. Guilt. Yang Yu Teng sighed as he looked at the watch on his hand and recalled the mermaid story Sam told him earlier and how they walked hand in hand the entire time they were there.

How could I not know it was a date? The watch he had forgotten on his wrist, now felt somewhat heavy. How much would it have cost? Such expensive gift, how could he accept it? But it's a birthday gift. Won't Sam feel hurt if he rejects it? Right, there was also the doubt he obviously displayed on his face when they arrived at the hotel just now. Is Sam mad because I don't seem to trust him?

Frustrated, Yang Yu Teng suddenly rose from his seat, making the conversations around the table to halt. Ignoring the look he got, he took his bowl and walked around the table to sit on the empty seat on Sam's left.

When the others realised what he did, they again burst into a laugh and started teasing their sons before a conversation led to another, leaving no attention towards the two young men.

Quietly munching on his rice, Sam was too engrossed in his own thoughts to regard the man beside him. Truthfully, hurt was the exact word he would use to describe his feelings but he could not blame it on Yang Yu Teng when he was the one who caused it in the first place.

"Zi Hong.." Yang Yu Teng called in a low tone, afraid their parents would hear him but Sam wasn't responding. This man must be really mad, Yang Yu Teng thought. Biting onto his chopstick, he rubbed his cold palms on his thighs, at a loss of what to do.

Out of a sudden impulse, Yang Yu Teng caught Sam's hand that was about to reach for the napkin and pulled it towards his lap under the table. His heart almost jumped out of his chest when he did it. His eyes swiped over his unsuspecting parents and finally turned his head to face Sam.

Sam was as cool as ever, as if unaffected by Yang Yu Teng's action but if one was to look closely, his brows were slightly drawn together and his eyes were blinking as he looked at his husband, questioningly.

"Mermaid," Yang Yu Teng slurred with the chopstick still in his mouth.

"Mermaid," he whispered again after he put the chopstick down on his bowl, flashing a genial smile this time.

"There's no lake here," Sam's lips turned slightly up as his heart felt lighter.

"Really...Are you sure?"

Seeing that Yang Yu Teng's smile was slowly turning into a frown, Sam pulled out his hand and placed it on Yang Yu Teng's instead. His broad palm easily wrapped the coldness of the man's hand. "I guess, Taipei has many lakes huh. There's one near our house too."

"Really? That's scary," the man responded with a wide grin, not looking scared at all.

"Uhuh.. Real scary.." Sam used his other hand to cover the smile on his face, trying not to laugh at the newfound revelation of the man's cuteness.

"Mm.." Yang Yu Teng dwelled on asking, "Was it really a date?"

"What do you think?"

What did he expect, really? From someone who never really gave answers? "I think you look ugly when you sulk," Yang Yu Teng stuck his tongue out playfully.

"The world would disagree," Sticking his chin out, he smirked, not knowing he just admitted to sulking.

Yang Yu Teng puffed up his cheeks and puckered his lips at the truth in Sam's words. "Is this my birthday present?" Yang Yu Teng asked, looking at his wrist, ignorant of how the other man was feeling.

Sam's eyes narrowed and his throat parched. Biting his lower lips, Sam grip Yang Yu Teng's hand tighter and whispered nearer, "Don't do that again. Not in public."

Tilting his head, Yang Yu Teng pouted and drew his face closer to Sam, whispering as if they were talking about a bloody murder, "So, it's not mine?"

Sam swallowed thickly as he felt Yang Yu Teng's breath grazed his lips with every words the man uttered. Yang Yu Teng was flirting with him and he was sure that the man himself was not aware of that. The chance presented in front of him, he took as he leaned in and smacked a kiss on the man's lips.

"It's yours." My heart, it's yours.

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