It wants to play catch

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"Sorry, that was work," Sam entered their bedroom, noticing that Yang Yu Teng was playing on his phone on the bed. Maybe now that Yang Yu Teng had so much free time in his days, Sam realized the man had been on his phone more than he used to.

"What are you doing?" he asked, curious but the man was too focused to answer. He slid under the duvet and sneaked a peek at the man's screen out of curiosity.

Like a chalked up chicken with stomach ache was Sam's countenance when he saw what he saw. Sam watched as Yang Yu Teng slid his finger on the screen, reading the words after words on the screen before stopping at an "Apply" button.

"That easy?" Yang Yu Teng mumbled to himself, almost in whisper but Sam who was just beside him obviously heard him, though in despair.

Sam saw Yang Yu Teng's thumb hovering over the "Apply" button before he took the chance of hesitance to place his grip on the screen.

"Probably a scam," Sam said, pulling the phone away before putting it on his side of the bedside table.

"Oh?" Yang Yu Teng tilted his head, waiting for Sam to explain more.

What more of it he can explain? It was a webpage for child adoption and if such thing can just be applied online, how trustworthy could it be? But that wasn't Sam's worry at that point. No, it was the man beside him he's worried about.

"You need lawyers to handle this kind of thing."

Yang Yu Teng nodded, before a smile crept up, eerily so in Sam's eyes. Before Yang Yu Teng could open his mouth with a look that implied an uninvited suggestion, Sam was faster. "We're not adopting."

Then the smile vanished, replaced with the man's signature pout that could melt even the iceberg. "But I can't get pregnant."

Sam chuckled in his sigh, placing a swift kiss on the small pout. "Yeah, I googled the possibility before I marry you," he joked, trying to make the man smile, but in futile. With his arm wrapped around Yang Yu Teng's shoulders, he held the man's head close to the nook of his neck before running his fingers on the small of the man's back.

"Let's have kids when you really want it, not because you're bored," he continued as he felt Yang Yu Teng relaxed on his chest.

"That's not true...," the man crooned, falling deeper into an unfamiliar void. He wanted to sulk for his intention was questioned but Sam's body was too warm to do so.

"Sure it is."


"You're bored. You have worked non-stop since graduating, of course you'll be bored if you have to stay at home. I would too. I saw you cleaned up the garden, rearranged some furniture in the house, try out new recipes but I know that's not enough. It has only been a few days, are you sure you can go on like this if you really get fired?" Sam naturally knew the answer to his own question. This man he regarded the world of, he had never seen lazed around the house. He's not someone who'd be contented with just a happy married life.

"Was teaching your dream?" Sam asked. "Or did you have other dreams?"

Yang Yu Teng held his head in thoughts of his life before Sam happened.

"Dream? Of course," he smiled of fond memories of the past that stopped after he knows what living truly meant. "..when I was a kid, I wanted to become a doctor but I once fell sick and had a big needle inserted into my arm so I no longer want to be near needles," the story was told excitedly, as if he didn't just spent months in the hospital taking care of his father. "..then I wanted to be a pilot but my eyesight are not good enough," he paused with a soft laugh, "..and my brain, they're not good enough too."

"You shouldn't look down on yourself."

Yang Yu Teng nodded, before continuing his story, "I think I also dreamt of becoming a businessman, I remember drawing a picture of me getting out of a sports car, with someone opening the door for me. I wore black sunglasses and super expensive suits. I think I drew girls gaping at the side as well."

He knew it was in the past where everything was still possible but he couldn't help but feel hopeful.

"Haven't you had someone open your door for you?" Sam asked with a raised brow, not of curiosity but of preconceived answer.

"No, I—" Yang Yu Teng blinked before his lips arched in a smile, "Actually, I have. Right, I think that one dream is more or less achieved."

"Now you just need to find a new dream, or a new school to teach."

Yang Yu Teng took his time to think, while Sam patiently waited. "A new dream?" he asked himself, naturally focusing more on the unexpected suggestion. "Am I not too old for that?"

"What do you mean? You have time, you have money, and your dad is healthy. Now is the best time to pursue your dream."

"Hm, what do you reckon I should do?"

"It's your dream, Bao."

"But I don't know what dream I want to dream of."

Sam chortled at the conversation he never thought he would experience in his thirty years of life. "You can take some time thinking about it. No matter what it is, I'll support you."

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