Why is it so cold?

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It was half past 6 a.m. when Yang Yu Teng woke up with a start. He had only been sleeping there for two nights after his father's surgery and both times, Sam's Little Prince thought it would be a good idea to find his warmth on Yang Yu Teng's face and both times it happened, Yang Yu Teng woke up flailing trying to remove the fat cat off him.

"You! You come here!" Yang Yu Teng sat awkwardly on the bed, pointing at the cat that had long run away. He very much wanted to catch and pinch the cat a lesson but his sleepy eyes could barely see what was in front of him and he had all the fur on his face to add to his misery.

He turned right and saw Sam again was not there when he woke up. It was the same yesterday too.

Pfftt. Yang Yu Teng felt a flash of annoyance in his heart. As if I wanted to sleep here with you. If it wasn't for the ghosts and all, I'd be glad sleeping on the sofa downstairs. But it was all good, he thought. At least, his initial worry that Sam might jump him did not yet happen.

He went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and walked into the walk-in closet to the left of the room. It was his second time there but he still felt at awe. The 'closet' was as big as Sam's bedroom with a stool and an island on the centre filled with Sam's watches, sunglasses and other accessories Yang Yu Teng had no idea what for.

He walked through a pathway with at least a hundred pairs of shoes for display to his left to reach the centre, standing right under a crystal chandelier. It had caught his attention before that the left side of the room was filled with so many things, from clothes to bags while on the right, not so much. At first, Yang Yu Teng thought that Sam had not yet bought enough things to fill the entire room but when Sam brought all his stuff from his apartment, he had arranged his clothes neatly on the right side of the closet. But it still felt empty, though. His and his father's clothes were at most only third of Sam's. Seeing that all his stuff was already brought there, he wondered if he could ever escape from Sam. Sighing, he put on a soft purple turtleneck and black jeans before heading downstairs.

It was already bright when he stepped down the stairs so the horror he always felt at night no longer lingered. He went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, his eyes wandered around to see if Sam was anywhere near. He was slightly relieved when he couldn't spot the man but somewhat worried as well. He was pretty sure Sam was in bed when he went to bed last night, so what made Sam wake up so early?

When a sound of something rolling shattered the silence of the morning, Yang Yu Teng who was just about to grab a piece of bread, found his hands quivering. He stood there like a frozen statue and when he was about to gather his calm, the same sound resonated again. Like the first victim of any horror movie, curiosity got the best of him as he walked towards the source of the sound all while gripping onto the hem of his turtleneck tightly. The path to the back side of the house was hidden behind a wall of which the stairs were built. There, the tall wall was filled with trophies and books of many authors. He had never stepped into that space, not that he had the time to. He flinched when he heard the same sound again. Now that he was nearer, he could also hear a man's sighs.

Walking closer to the glass door that he noticed was opened; he sneaked a peek outside and saw a man sitting on the floor in front of the pool. He let out a breath of relief. Sam was better than any ghost or burglar, afterall. Now that he was no longer scared, he straightened his back and stepped outside only to rush back in. The floor was freezing cold and the wind was atrocious if he was to exaggerate. Taiwan had always been like that in its short spring; freezing cold in the morning and blaring hot at noon, especially now that they were nearing summer. He wanted to just ignore the man and go back to the comfort of the house's heater but remembering the man sitting on the floor with only his shirt and pajama pants, he somehow couldn't just let the man be.

Without thinking, he already found himself running from the living room with a knitted blanket he found on the sofa in his hand. Walking slowly towards the man, he finally noticed the cans of beers beside Sam. Some of it rolled to float in the pool as the wind passed by.

"Zi Hong.. What are you doing?" Yang Yu Teng wrapped the blanket around the man and squatted there watching Sam's red face smiling at him.

"It's Yu Teng.. Ah Teng aaa, you're here.. My wife~~ My hubby~~"

Yang Yu Teng remembered the drunken Sam on their wedding night. He somehow liked Sam better drunk. The guy just seemed more humane. "Yes, yes. It's me. Why are you drunk so early in the morning?"

"AACHOO!" Sam forced a breath through his already blocked nose, scrunching and rubbing his nose red.

Yang Yu Teng placed his palms on Sam's cheeks only to have them feel like ice instead. "You.. How long have you been out here?" Yang Yu Teng started to rub his palms, trying to make Sam warmer.

"I was just drinking with my friends."

"W..What friends?" Yang Yu Teng could feel his hairs stood. Then Sam pointed at the pool, a few empty cans of beer could be seen floating around.

"There, they are swimminnn."

"Huh?" Yang Yu Teng gulped, no longer bothering to turn his head to look at the pool.

"There, see? My--"

"No! don't tell me!"

Sam hissed, his smile was replaced with a scowl. "Why are you shouting, you'll scare them away."

It was great that the sun had shone greatly in the sky, or else he'd be scared shitless right now. "You should go back to bed, Zi Hong."

Yang Yu Teng felt like his attempt to make Sam warmer was fruitless. In the end, it was his hands that would freeze instead, not mentioning his bare feet on the floor. When he was about to pull away his hands and make Sam go inside with him, Sam placed his own palms on Yang Yu Teng's and pitched forward to meet their foreheads together, a bit too roughly at that.

"Aack!" Yang Yu Teng groaned, pulling his head back only to have Sam leaning further.

"What are you doing Zi Hong?"

"Looking at you.."

Sam's pair of deep eyes was only inches from his. The warmth of the man's breath felt somewhat comforting amidst the morning coldness. As Sam blinked, he blinked with him. Sam said he was looking at Yang Yu Teng and that exactly was what he did. They stayed that way for far too long in Yang Yu Teng's mind. When the awkwardness kicked in, he started to try to twist his way out, prompting Sam to speak again.

"That mole.. Was it there before?"

"Huh?" Yang Yu Teng blinked and saw Sam's hand by the side of his face, wiping something away from the corner of his eyes.

"Without that gunk, you.. actually... don't look that bad.."

Yang Yu Teng felt it again; his heart floating. He bit his lips. Such remark could only mean as insult but when he heard it he was somewhat flattered.

What the hell? Why am I like this? But wait.. Actually? Does this man actually think I looked bad before?

When a flicker of irritation blocked the way of his floating heart, he wiggled to be let go again. "Let me go.."

To his surprise, Sam did let him go. When their foreheads parted, Yang Yu Teng felt his heart dropped a little but he then noticed Sam's hands were already around his neck.

"Don't say that.." Sam was still looking at him straight in the eyes. His previous playful smile had gone to somewhat a grim look.

"What?" In that clear eyes, Yang Yu Teng noticed something; the shine had doubled and there were already flecks of red in his whites.

"She asked me that too.. to let her go.."


"I love her.." Sam had already nestled his head within the crooks of Yang Yu Teng's neck and shoulder, chocking on his words while pulling the man closer to him.

"K.. Ke Fang?" Yang Yu Teng's hand froze to his sides, blinking in anticipation of Sam's answer.

"I.. I love her.. I loved her.."

Yang Yu Teng's mouth was slightly ajar, his eyes unblinking, staring at his own reflection on the glass wall behind Sam, "You.. You do?"

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