I told you so

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He took a bus ride home, just like he did before he gets to be comfy in a luxurious car. It humbled him to see the sights he had missed. The struggle of the elderly to take their groceries on and off the elevated stairs, the crying of kids whom probably didn't get that last candy and the bumpy ride that is now extra uncomfortable for his still raw butt.

After a short grocery shopping, in the scorching heat with blows of warm winds, he strolled alongside the pathway in the neighbourhood. Watching it through his idle eyes was indeed unalike observing from inside a moving car with heavy tinted windows. The gardens of the mansions, and a big park that had no trace of human; green and calm. It comforted him that the view was free, that everyone could enjoy the same thing he was enjoying, until reality kicked in. To be walking there, you either have to work in the area or live there. What chances did his past self has to even set eyes on the big gates there?

He sighed.

The grocey bags in his grips grew heavier, the sweat on his forehead trickled faster, and the running thoughts of it's okay eventually turned to weariness. It was too far on feet from where the grocery store was, he never really realized that when he always has someone to drive him around.

When he got into the house and dropped everything including himself onto the cold floor, he cursed his hurting limbs.

Have I grown spoiled? Can I not walk just half a mile now?

He laid there on the icy marbled floor, watching the intricate detail of the house's ceiling and slowly, a drop of tear fell.

Shit. This is not even my house.

The thought of losing his job was something he barely consider before making his move to help Sam clear his name. Sure, it crossed his mind but to actually experience it was something else.

Fear rose in him.

How much money have I saved? How will I take care of Dad if I don't have my pay? Right, Dad... He was pretty sure the old man had no idea what was happening in his life right now. The man would be heartbroken first if the news ever reached his ears.

But was he regretting it? Again, never. Sam insisted he was wrong to do what he did, but he didn't care then, and he definitely didn't care now.

With the back of his forearm on his eyes, he cried. Not just because he might lose his job, but also from all the stress he was shouldering these past weeks. And maybe, from the long walk in Taiwan summer he just took that probably had burned his face dark. Yes, he was tired, just tired, he would like to believe that.

In that moment, in the big house he could never afford with his measly pay and in many months since, he felt lonely. His soft cries and audible snivelling echoed, too loud for the empty abode.

When the phone in his pocket suddenly rang and he saw that Sam was the one calling, needless to say he took a deep breath and answered it promptly. Sam's voice can always calm him when he needed it the most.

He didn't say anything at first, just waited for Sam to talk.

"Yu Teng?"


"Are you busy? Am I bothering you?"



"Yea.. What is it?" He finally responded, sounding colder than he meant to in his attempt to hide his cries.

"I'm about to get into my meeting, just calling to ask how you're doing. Everything okay?"

"..." He could've lied and said everything was okay. But why is that when Sam asks him if he's okay, he'll just cry harder? He didn't bother to hide it this time, his sobs were plainly clear on the other end of the line.

"Bao? What is-," he heard rustles from Sam's side. "I'm going to the school to pick you up."

Yang Yu Teng shook his head, as if Sam would be able to see him and while he was doing that, he could already hear Sam instructing his assistant to cancel the rest of his day.

"I'm fine..," he said, sniffling as his other hand played with the hem of his shirt, his voice evidently indicating otherwise.

Did Sam's attention appease him somehow, made his world brighter somehow? Yes.

"Don't bother. Twenty minutes. Wait for me."

And that was all it took for him to stop crying and started rushing towards the kitchen to prepare something for lunch.

Alone? He wasn't alone. He had Sam. 

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